Where there was once Amalgam - now there is pus
On more
than 1000 patients who had been
freed from their Dental Quicksilver, 20 years ago, we
found out, 20 years later, that their
jaws had contained pus in addition to the Amalgam . This had been
causing immense nerve- and immune damages.
The removal of the Amalgam had only caused
slight delays to their suffering.
This was obvious from the beginning,
since the animal experiments on sheep and monkeys by Lorscheider and Vimy - besides many others - had
proved that within 3 months after an amalgam had been laid,
all organs had been intoxicated.
There had been
no improvement whatsoever after removal.
The alternative would have been the
surgical removal of all, at the
same time, intoxicated
dental roots, but, at that time, no one had been ready
to do that.
Nowadays, instead of the drilling out, we advice tooth
extraction plus routing out
the jaw for
all those who have been seriously
ill, since there has not been
a dentist who has been drilling out thoroughly and this has always lead to an immense deterioration of the whole situation.
Amalgam once
means Amalgam always!