Rauchverbot für Autofahrer
Politiker von SPD und Union wollen ein Rauchverbot für Autofahrer durchsetzen. Durch das Rauchen am Steuer steigt die Unfallgefahr drastisch.
Rauchen im Auto: Erhöhte Unfallgefahr?
Hamburg - Zigaretten am Steuer lenkten genauso ab wie Telefonieren mit dem Handy, sagte die CDU-Politikerin Katherina Reiche der "Bild"-Zeitung. "Wir brauchen dringend ein Verbot und entsprechende Strafen", wurde sie zitiert. Die CSU-Gesundheitsexpertin Gerlinde Kaupa unterstützte den Vorschlag.
Ähnlich äußerte sich auch der SPD-Verkehrsexperte Peter Dancker. Durch das Rauchen am Steuer steige die Unfallgefahr drastisch. Er sei deshalb für ein absolutes Rauchverbot beim Fahren. Bereits 2001 hatten zwei Abgeordnete von SPD und CDU einen ähnlichen Vorstoß gegen das Rauchen am Steuer gestartet.
Nach Angaben von "Bild" ermittelten Unfallforscher, dass ein Auto bei einer Geschwindigkeit von 50 Kilometern pro Stunde etwa 14 Meter pro Sekunde ungebremst weiterfährt, während der Fahrer nach einer fallen gelassenen Zigarette sucht.
Eine Studie mit 4500 Australiern hat belegt, daß Raucher und Passivraucher ein erhöhtes Risiko für Nieren-leiden haben. Bei Männern mit normalen Blutzucker- und Blutdruckwerten erhöht sich das Risiko durch Rauchen um das dreifache, wie der Informationsdienst Wissenschaft meldet.
Zeitung 10.12.2002
Where there
is fire, there is carbon monoxide,
where there
is carbon monoxide, there is vulnerability,
where there
is vulnerability, there is illness and disability and death in great pain ..
Carbon Monoxide (CO) is the most commonly encountered and pervasive poison in
our environment. It is responsible for more deaths than any other single
poison, and for enormous suffering and morbidity in those who survive.
studies found that 25-40% of people died during acute exposure, while 15-40% of
the survivors suffered immediate or delayed neuropsychological deficit. Now, an
emerging body of evidence suggests that longer exposures to lower levels of CO,
ie. chronic CO poisoning, are capable of producing a myriad of debilitating
residual effects that may continue for days, weeks, months and even years, or
to be precise:
as a rule à
all one's life ...
· Recurrent
acute poisoning
Generalized symptoms: Malaise, flu-like symptoms, fatigue
· Cardiovascular:
Dyspnea on exertion, chest pain, palpitations, thrombosis, TIA= Transient
Ischemic Attacks
Psychiatric: Lethargy, confusion, depression, impulsiveness,
distractibility, hallucination,
confabulation, agitation.
Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Neurologic: Headache, drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, confusion, visual
disturbance, syncope, seizure, fecal and urinary incontinence, memory
disturbance, gate disturbance, bizarre neurologic symptoms, coma. Transient
loss of consciousness, even in the absence of other symptoms, is of grave
significance, Transient hypoxic attacks, Transient ischemic attacks, Apallic
syndrome, Vegetative state, Coma..
· Chronic
exposure: Chronic exposures also present with the above symptoms. However, they
may present with gradual onset neuropsychiatric symptoms or simply new
impairment of cognitive ability.
Neurologic/Neuropsychiatric: Memory disturbance (most common) including
retrograde and anterograde amnesia with amnestic confabulatory states,
emotional lability, impaired judgement, decreased cognitive ability, stupor,
coma, gait disturbance, movement disorders, rigidity, brisk reflexes, apraxia,
agnosia, alexia, aphasia, tic disorders, hearing and vestibular dysfunction, blindness
and psychosis. Long term exposures or severe acute exposures frequently result
in long-term neuropsychiatric sequelae. Additi-onally there exists a group that
develops delayed neuropsychiatric symptoms, often after severe intoxications
associated with coma. After recovery from the initial incident, the patients
present several days to weeks later with neuropsychiatric symptoms such as
those just described. Two-thirds will eventually have no complete re-covery.
Ill-health may remain long after clinical recovery.
Predicting and preventing long-term complications such as Toxic-induced loss of
tolerance (TILT) / Grave chemical intolerance (GCI) and delayed Toxic
encephalo(-myelo-neuro-)pathy have been the object of studies.
Here is a
link between what is called "low level" exposure to thousands of
chemicals, indoors and outdoors, and adverse health effects, including cancer,
between chemical exposure, chemical injury and grave disease: dangerous
chemical-intolerance. Everyone is at risk.
No one is safe.
In reality
we are only revealing and correcting -for the first time in medicine - a
gigantic misconception and a terrific misunderstanding:
it is my
back-pain and your migraine, my mother's depression and your son's aggression,
your wife's abdominal pain and my patient's cancer, my fellow's fury and your
fellow's amok-run, my grandfather's helplessness and your secretary's
stultification, my aunt's defective vision and your uncle's polyneuropathy, my
colleagues's mercilessness and your neighbor's Chronic Toxic Encephalopathy, my
brother's angiocardiopathy and your daughter's premature and long
infirmity - and last not least the incomprehensible lust
for murder and the inconceivable belief in witches of our fellow countrymen..
G. Schwinger-Tschanz
"Eine moderne Form der Kindsmißhandlung"
Rauchen kann Körper- verletzung sein,
sagt "pro aere" Schweiz und lanciert eine Kampagne
"zum Schutz der Kinder vor Tabakrauch".
Prof. Renate Huch erklärte, eine Schwangere habe
punkto Rauchen keine Wahlfreiheit mehr:
"Sie entscheidet für ein zweites Wesen mit, das extrem schutzbedürftig ist."
"Rauchen, dem sich ein Kind nicht aus freien Stücken zu entziehen vermag, kann eine Freiheitsstrafe nach sich ziehen."