Nervensystem warum reagiert es so empfindlich auf Toxine ?

a) Das Gehirn ist das komplexeste Organ im menschlichen Körper und reagiert daher äußerst sensibel
auf geringste Funktionsbeeinträchtigungen. Das Gehirn steuert die am höchsten entwickelten
und kompliziertesten Funktionen wie beispielsweise die Sinne (Sehen, Hören, usw.) sowie besonders
komplexe Bereiche wie Sozialverhalten, intellektuelle Aktivitäten, Phantasie, Kreativität,

b) Das Gehirn arbeitet auf der Grundlage chemischer Prozesse. Aus diesem Grund kann es auf zahlreiche
Chemikalien empfindlich reagieren, die zu einer Störung der Normalfunktionen führen können.
Wie Sie vermutlich wissen, sind verschiedene Bereiche des Gehirns für verschiedene Funktionen
zuständig. Jeder Teil des Gehirns kann jedoch durch Umweltchemikalien geschädigt werden. Daher
kann jedes Symptom einer neurologischen oder psychischen Krankheit auf eine neurotoxische Substanz
zurückzuführen sein. Erkrankungen durch neurotoxische Substanzen wurden bereits irrtümlich
als Multiple Sklerose, periphere Neuropathie, migräneartige Kopfschmerzen, Depression, Psychose,
Schizophrenie ect. diagnostiziert.

c) Ohne weitergehende Untersuchungen können Ärzte eine Fehldiagnose stellen. Ohne eine korrekte
Diagnose kann es zu einer ungeeigneten Behandlung und zu weiteren Komplikationen kommen.
Leider werden Ärzte gewöhnlich nur unwesentlich im Bereich der Feststellung von Erkrankungen
durch neurotoxische Substanzen ausgebildet, und es kommt folglich zu Fehldiagnosen.

d) Geschädigte oder abgestorbene Gehirnzellen können sich normalerweise nicht selbst erneuern.
Daher sind neurotoxisch bedingte Schädigungen des Gehirns gewöhnlich dauerhaft und kumulativ.
Da es keine allgemeingültige Routinebehandlung für Erkrankungen neurotoxischer Ar
t gibt,
ist Prävention unbedingt erforderlich.

"Toxic chemicals can damage the nervous system and brain. A person may or may not be aware of such damage when it occurs. Neurotoxicity is the result of such damage. Symptoms may include problems with memory, concentration, reaction time, sleep, thinking, language, as well as depression, numbness of the hands and feet, confusion, and personality changes. Many types of nervous system disorders could be related with neurotoxicity, including numerous neurologic and psychiatric disorders. Legal problems may result from irrational, unusual or violent behavior.
Chemicals and illnesses include: Adhesives, Agent Orange, ammonia, anxiety disorder, arsenic, benzene, carbonless copy paper, carbon monoxide, carpet cleaning agents, CCA (copper-chromium- arsenate), chemical warfare agents, chlorine, combustion products, contaminated or defective products, copper-chromium-arsenate, damp buildings, dementia, depression, dioxin, environmental illness, formaldehyde, gamma butyrolactone, gasoline, glues, herbicides, indoor air pollution, lacquer sanding sealer, lead, lithium, MDI (methyl diisocyanate), MEK (methyl-ethyl-ketone), memory dysfunction, mercury, metals, methylene chloride, mixed toxic waste, mold, multiple chemical sensitivities, municipal sludge, mycotoxins, naphthalene, neurologic illnesses due to toxic chemicals (multiple sclerosis, paralysis, psychosis, depression etc.), N-hexane, oil and gas field emissions, organic metals, paint, paint remover, panic disorder, penta-chlorophenol, personality disorders, pesticides (organochlorines, organophosphates, etc.), Phenergan, phenolic resins, pollution (ground, soil, water, air), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), Prozac, psychiatric drugs, psychiatric illness due to toxic chemicals (depression, schizophrenia, etc.), radiation injuries, sick buildings, smoke removing agents, solvents, Stachybotrys, styrene, synthetic carpets, TDI (toluene diisocyanate), toluene, toxic waste, trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, welding fumes, wood preservatives, xylene, etc.


I composed the following to indicate my thinking about MCS.
Because doctors cannot agree on how to diagnose a disease, this does not mean that a disease does not exist. Both headaches and MCS fall into this category, as well as other diseases, if we were to think about it.
Consider a headache as an example of a disease similar to MCS.

A headache is a disease
Nobody has seen a headache, yet we all agree that a headache can exist
The headache disease is diagnosed by symptoms, not objective signs
The pain of a headache cannot be objectively measured.
We agree there are headaches because many people, including maybe ourselves, say that headaches exist
There are some people who never get headaches, but they would agree that headaches exist
There are some people who only get small headaches, yet they would agree that it is logical that if small headaches exist, probably larger headaches exist too
It would be ridiculous and unscientific to say that headaches do not exist, even if they only severely affected a small number of people

The absence of "acceptable" proof is not the proof of absence
Suppose you could demonstrate that a disease (headache or MCS) affects some people.
There is also some research about the prevalence of symptoms associated with MCS.
There are many people who do not carry the diagnosis of MCS but who are chemically sensitive
And, there are thousands of people who complain of this illness.
Cause of headaches or MCS
Headaches undoubtably exists, even if we do not know the cause or mechanism of headaches
Rationale for MCS

The analogy of allergy
Allergy was only identified as a disease entity in recent times, although it undoubtably existed before it was objectively diagnosed
Hypersensitivity is a recognized medical term
Recent, extended and accepted research of immune over-reactivity, presented at a recent conference that I attended, described part of the what could be the mechanism of MCS. The over-reactivity of the immune system causes more damage than the initial chemical insult.
Explanations that we all vary in our sensitivity to chemicals, based upon our constitution and capacity of our organs to detoxify exogenous or endogenous chemicals which could cause damage (toxic chemicals)
If a chemical can be deleterious to a person, and possibly cause brain injury (the brain itself has no pain receptors), it is logical that nature would provide a mechanism to alert the person of danger (symptoms) so that the person could avoid further injury (brain damage is cumulative).
People with MCS improve when they avoid chemical exposure. They become symptomatic with chemical exposure.
Note new research by Dr. Davidson showing MCS in relatively naive workers exposed to gasoline (Arch Environmental Health 53(3): 183-189 (1998).

Original Raymond (Neuro-toxicologist):
(er war 1998 hier)