English pyrethroid intoxication.
Chronic sequelae and irreversible injuries
following acute pyrethroid intoxication.
Muller-Mohnssen H.
Physiological Institute,
For patients
the author has observed, the majority of complaints following an acute pyrethroid intoxication disappeared after the end
of exposure. Residuals
frequently observed after more than 2 years were: (1)
cerebro-organic disorders (reduced intellectual performance with 20-30%
reduction of endurance during mental
work, personality disorder), visual disturbances, dysacousia, tinnitus; (2)
sensomotor-polyneuropathy most frequently in the lower legs; (3) vegetative nervous disorders (paroxysmal
tachycardia, pollakisuria, increased heat-sensitivity, orthostatic hypotonia
and reduced exercise tolerance due to
circulatory disorder). Non-neurological symptoms include deficiency of
cellular and humoral immune system established by laboratory findings: opportunistic infections, especially
Candida-infections of the gastro-intestinal tract, relapsing infections of the
urinary and respiratory tract, the latter often aggravating to respiratory
obstruction. Most of the patients exhibit positive epi- or intracutantest
against pyrethroids or pyrethrines, and acquainted sensitivity also to other antigens.
Many of these patients exhibit pathological autoimmune diagnostical findings
and developed autoimmune diseases as for instance scleroderma-like syndrome,
myasthenia-like syndrome with progredient muscle atrophy, autoimmun-hemolysis
and autoimmun-thrombocytopenic purpura.
Lett. 1999 Jun 30;107(1-3):161-76. Related Articles,
10414793 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Bei allgemeiner Intoleranz gegen Medikamente führen bereits Spuren von Pyrethroiden zum vaskulären Kollaps.
Darüber wurde prinzipiell schon 1986 in der offenen wissenschaftlichen Literatur berichtet.
Und auch der Bericht von Prof. Müller-Mohnssen weist auf systemische Vaskulitis (Kollagenose und Autoimmunerkrankung):
of these patients exhibit pathological autoimmune diagnostical findings and
developed autoimmune diseases
as for
instance scleroderma-like syndrome,
myasthenia-like syndrome with progredient muscle atrophy,
and autoimmun-thrombocytopenic purpura."
Machen ja auch Medikamente, haufenweise.
Why worry
about it?
"Die Beschwerden stehen bekanntermaßen in einem Zusammenhang mit erhöhter Histamin-Freisetzung.
Untersuchungen von Sato u.a. (2004) zeigen, dass Pestizide und andere Chemikalien
die Histamin-Freisetzung von sensibilisierten Mast-zellen zunehmen lässt.
Das macht klar, dass der Verbund zwischen Allergie, Intoleranz, Hyperreaktivität und Intoxikation
stärker ist, als bisher angenommen. Auch die kürzlichen Untersuchungen über Pyrethroide
von der Arbeitsgruppe Diel(1998 - 2005) bestätigen diesen Zusammenhang.."
Why worry
about it?
freundlichem Gruss,
Int Arch
Occup Environ Health. 2004 Jan;77(1):67-72. Epub 2003 Oct 9. Related Articles,
internal exposure to pesticides in children and adolescents in Germany: urinary
levels of metabolites of pyrethroid and organophosphorus insecticides.
Heudorf U, Angerer J, Drexler H.
Health Department, Environmental Medicine and Hygiene, Braubachstrasse 18-22,
60311 Frankfurt, Germany. ursel.heudorf@stadt-frankfurt.de
Pesticides are widely used throughout the world, in agriculture to protect
crops and in public health to control diseases transmitted by vectors or intermediate hosts.
After the prohibition of organochlorines such as DDT,
today, mainly pyrethroids and organophosphorus
insecticides are used. Whereas many studies have been published on
background exposure of the population to organochlorines,
data on internal exposure of the population to pyrethroids and organophosphorus
insecticides are scarce. Here, we report on internal exposure of children and
young people, in an urban area in
14551781 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]