2000 Baby corpses due to mercury from maternal amalgam

From the Institute of Pathology, Department of Neuropathology, Clinical Center Benjamin Franklin of the Free University Berlin:

Director: Prof. Dr. W. Hinkelbein

The effects of chronic prenatal and postnatal mercury exposure on the strength of reactive astrogliosis in the medulla oblongata within the 24 months of human life.

-A study on 76 baby corpses.

-Inaugural dissertation for obtaining a doctor´s degree in medicine from the Free      

 University Berlin. 

-Presented by Christian Thomas Keim from Karlsuhe, 08/25/2000:

The more amalgam the mothers had – the higher the amount of mercury in the brains of the dead babies. With more than 7µ/g, a relative astrogliosis (astrocytes damage) occurred which at high values lead to respiratory arrest (sleep apnea), accidents, infections as well as birth defects:

Age (weeks):                                Death due to:                        Mercury in the cerebrum:

78                                                drowning                                    26

43                                                sudden child death                    25

10                                                sudden child death                    21

13                                                sudden child death                    17

4                                                  congenital heart defect             16 

There are significant quantitative differences between the toxic storage in the frontal lobe (“Alzheimer´s disease”) and brain stem (sudden child death).

The developing brain is particularly sensitive to mercury!

We do not know how much mercury the developing brain is able to tolerate, therefore we must proceed from the fact that any amount of mercury, just like nicotine, is extremely harmful to the child´s brain.
