Amalgamverbot in Norwegen überholt Deutschland

The following is a translation of the Norwegian regulation banning the use of mercury in products, translated by Maryanne Rygg (

‘Regulation on amending the regulation of 1 June 2004, No. 922, on restrictions on the use of chemicals and other products that endanger health and the environment (product regulation)’. In Norwegian: Forskrift om endring av forskrift 1. juni 2004 nr. 922 om begrensning i bruk av helse- og miljøfarlige kjemikalier og andre produkter (produktforskriften)

Established by the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment on 14 December 2007, by authority in the law of 11 June 1979 regarding supervision of products and consumer services (product supervision/inspection) § 4. See law of 17 December 2004, No. 101, on European obligation to report on technical rules (European Economic Agreement consultation law) and Directive 98/34/EF, amended by Directive 98/48/EF.


In the regulation of 1 June 2004, No. 922, on restrictions on the use of chemicals and other products that endanger health and the environment (produktforskriften), the following amendments are hereby made:

The amended § 2-6 shall now read:

§ 2-6. Mercury and mercury compounds

      It is prohibited to produce, import, export, sell or use materials/substances or material combinations that contain mercury or mercury compounds.

      It is prohibited to produce, import, export or sell finished products that contain mercury or mercury compounds.

      The prohibitions in the first and second paragraphs do not include mercury that is naturally contained in coal, ore, or ore concentrations.

      The prohibitions in the first and second paragraphs also do not include packaging, batteries, components in motor vehicles or electric and electronic products and equipment that are covered by the §§ 3-11, 3-13 to 3-15 and 3-17 to 3-19 of this regulation.

      The bans in the first and second paragraphs do not cover materials/substances/combinations and finished products where the content of mercury or mercury compounds is lower than 0.001 per cent by weight.

      The prohibition in the first paragraph does not apply to tiomersal as preservative in vaccines.

      Until 31 December 2010, the prohibition in the first paragraph does not apply to:

a) amalgam used in dental treatment for patients that must be treated under anesthesia or who are allergic to ingredients in other dental filling materials,

b) contact materials in welding machines.

      The prohibition in the second paragraph includes mercury thermometers for analyzing and research purposes.

      Until 31 December 2010, the prohibition in the second paragraph does not apply to polarografer.


The amendment goes into effect on 1 January 2008.


Comment to the regulation.

For all instances where the use of dental materials under § 2-6, paragraph 7 a) are under consideration, the National Clinical Guideline for the Use of Dental Filling Materials issued by the Directorate for Health and Social Welfare should be respected.