Amalgamspezialisten italienische

Association for the Chronic or/and Environmental Injury Illness   

Health Centres

Prof. Dr. William J. Rea
Environmental Health Center - Dallas 8345 Walnut Hill Lane Suite 205 Dallas, Texas Tel: 001-214-373-5147 Fax: 001-214-691-8432
Environmental Health Center - Chicago  2500 W. Higgins Suite 1170 / 1180 Hoffmann Estate, IL 60195 - Tel : 001-847-519-7772 Fax : 001-847-519-7787

Details: the clinic was founded in 1978 and it was one of the first health center to build Environmental Control Units to treat chemically sensitive people. The therapy is multidisciplinary: environmental controls, heat chamber, physical exercise, HBOT, etc.

Dottor Gunnar Heuser
Neuromed and Neurotox Associates A medical Group - 28240 W.Agoura RD. Suite 203 Agoura Hills, California 91301 tel. (818)865-1858 Fax (818) 865-8814<br>
Dr. Claudia S. Miller 
Texas University - Health Science Center di San Antonio 7703 Floyd Cure Brive (222MCS)  San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 Tel. 001.210.567.7407
Dr. Grace Ziem -16926 Eyler è Valley Road, Emmitsburg MD 21727,  Phone (301) 241-434  Toxic hair test

Dr. Martin H. Jenzer
Phlebologie/ Innere Medizin - Sonnen Bergstrasse 11 - 6052 Hergiswil  
Phone 0041 41.630.16.81 - Fax. 0041 41,630.16.44
Languages: german, french, english, italian.

Details: allergological tests (IgE, IgG), elimination and rotational diet, provocation/neutralization therapy, ortomolecolar therapies. 

.  Klaus-Dietrich Runow
Institut for Functional Medicine and Environmental Medicine (IFU) Aratliche Berantung - Im Kurpark 1 - D-34308 Bad Emstal.
 Phone 0049. 5624.8061 Fax. 0049. 5624.8695  ifu2000@t-online
Languages: english, german.

Details : detoxifying therapies (Phase I and II, gluthation, alpha-lipoic acid, etc.); nutrition and new diagnostics; rooms for MCS; environmental medicine.
Prof. Ottaviano Tapparo
RosenheimerStrasse 46  81669
Munich - Germany
Phone 0049.89.48004597 - Fax 0049.89.48004598  -
Languages: german, italian, english.

Details: dentist and expert in toxic injuries such as MCS and Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome (Daunderer's Syndrome). He uses the safe protocol for the removal of silver fillings, chooses dental materials only after blood test and he tests MCS with the Immuno Tolerance Test (ITT).<br>   - Munich
This laboratory can make several tests and many via mail.
Immuno-Tolerance-Test (ITT) for the evaluation of inflammatory parameters under exposure to solvents (for the diagnosis of MCS) or to EMF (for EHS). Memory lymphocite stimulation essay (LTT) for the diagnosis of the allergy to metals (type IV). They do many tests for CFS, MS, FM, etc.
<br> - Brema .
Memory lymphocite stimulation essay (LTT) for the diagnosis of the allergy to metals (type IV). They do many tests for CFS, MS, FM, etc. Chewin-gum test for mercury+metal tracing in the saliva.


Dr. Giuseppe Genovesi
Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medica
Policlinico Umberto I -
tel. 06.44250068 - Fax 06.490530 - cell.


Details: toxic elements hair test, coenzimes test, Spengler's test, genetic profile. The therapeutic docrinologic (PNEI). 

These doctors are listed for their well-known experience and for being suggested by

chemically injured people. A.M.I.C.A. does not respond for their work and does not have any financial interest in giving their names and the names of laboratories.