10. Amalgam-lie: Amalgam would not cause almost all types of cancer

In hundreds of patients´ cancer tissues we found concentrations of amalgam (Hg, Sn) up to a thousandfold. Therefore this lie is the easiest to prove wrong. Because the tissue must be stored for at least 20 years, each cancer patient subsequently is able to prosecute the offender. The highest value of amalgam we found in a suspected cancer wart of a 12 year old girl who had amalgam and whose mother had amalgam as well. Not one of our 500 cancer patients with amalgam did not have excessively high toxic levels in the removed cancer tissue.

Organic mercury, just as organic tin, is one of the strongest cancer agents. We find the components of amalgam in an organic form in human organs.

We demand an immediate ban of amalgam and damages from the offenders.
