Amalgam in Alzheimer's Disease*


* Studies have shown that the brains of the deceased Alzheimer patient

have 4-times as much mercury and 2-times as much aluminum as is found in

patients without Alzheimer.  Also, tumors contain more mercury than is

found in their environment.   Source





Kip Sullivan is an attorney from Minneapolis that has recovered from an

"incurable" illness after having his amalgam fillings removed. Since

then he has been an advocate for making this treatment more readily

accepted and available to others suffering from neurological diseases,

and has done extensive research which is documented in a memo that he is

presenting to several well known Alzheimer's medical researchers in the

Minneapolis area. The following are excerpts from the memo, presented

here with Kip's permission, without the extensive footnotes, references

and tables contained within the memo. Anyone wishing additional

information with regard to the content presented here should contact Kip

at (612)823-1459.




Robert Terry et al. are the authors of a book which reviews current

knowledge about Alzheimer's Disease (AD). The book was recently

described as "the best single book on the topic" by the New England

Journal of Medicine and as "a most useful reference for practitioners of

medicine" by the Journal of the American Medical Association. At page

363 of this book, Terry et al. state: "Taken together, these studies

suggest that chronic low level Hg toxicity in AD should be considered as

a potential pathogenetic factor in AD." Because amalgam is the dominant

source of human exposure to mercury <hg.htm>, one may paraphrase this

conclusion as follows: "Chronic low level exposure to mercury from

amalgam should be considered as a factor in AD."


The scientific evidence supports the following statements:


   1. People with amalgams have much more mercury in their bodies,

      including their brains, than people without amalgams; the extra

      mercury carried by people with amalgams constitutes half to

      three-fourths of all mercury found in their bodies;

   2. People who die of AD have elevated levels of mercury in their

      brains; in rat brains and human brain homogenate, mercury blocks a

      biochemical process that is also blocked in the brains of AD

      victims; mercury causes emotional and mental symptoms frequently

      found in AD patients;

   3. Twin studies suggest an environmental cause of AD; epidemiological

      evidence (the temporal and racial distribution of AD) suggests

      mercury from amalgams plays a role in AD;

   4. The hypothesis that mercury causes AD is consistent with other

      hypotheses about the etiology of AD, namely, that apolipoprotien E

      status is a strong predictor of AD, that education and estrogen

      protect against AD, and that trauma to the head may trigger AD;

   5. Mercury may be a cause of other diseases of the central nervous

      system, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple

      sclerosis, and Parkinson's Disease.






      Overview of mercury body burden studies




The typical amalgam filling is 50% mercury, 30% silver, and 20% other

metals. The appendix presents the research which documents the

conclusion that mercury escapes amalgam and accumulates in tissue

throughout the body, including the brain. The great majority of these

studies were performed on people, not animals. I summarize them briefly



Mercury escapes from the amalgam in three ways: (a) corrosion, caused by

electrical currents passing through the filling; (b) what one expert

calls "direct dry evaporation;" and (c) removal of small pieces of the

fillings caused by chewing. The liberated mercury is taken into the body

via (a) inhalation, (b) swallowing and (c) absorption into nearby mouth

and nasal tissue. People with amalgams have at least twice as much

mercury vapor in their mouths, twice as much mercury in their blood,

three to six times as much in their urine, at least six times as much in

their kidneys, and double the amount of mercury in their brains and

other body parts as people without amalgams. Several of these mercury

burden studies found a correlation between the number of amalgam

surfaces and mercury levels in the brain. One of the latest and most

disturbing of these studies found that women with ten or more filled

teeth give birth to babies with twice as much mercury in their bodies as

mothers with two or fewer filled teeth.






      Estimates of amounts of mercury absorbed from amalgams




That amalgams can double the body's mercury level and triple the urine's

mercury level suggests that mercury from amalgams is the source of at

least half to two-thirds of all the mercury humans are exposed to. Over

the last four or five years, a substantial body of evidence has emerged

which indicates that most of the mercury absorbed by people in

industrial nations comes from their amalgam fillings.


In 1991 the World Health Organization...... concluded the daily dose of

mercury from the environment is 2.6 ug......... If the correct figure

for absorption of mercury from amalgam turns out to be 8 ug, then the

total mercury absorbed per day from all sources -- the environment plus

amalgam -- is 10.6 ug, according to the WHO data. This means amalgam

mercury constitutes three-fourths of all mercury absorbed by the body (8

ug is 75% of 10.6 ug). If 10 ug turns out to be the correct figure for

mercury taken up from amalgams, then the total absorbed is 12.6, which

means about four-fifths of all mercury absorbed comes from amalgams (10

ug is 79% of 12.6 ug).


In a 1995 report prepared for Health Canada (Canada's national health

department), Richardson estimated that amalgam mercury constitutes half

of the mercury absorbed daily by adult Canadians.


Whether amalgam mercury is the source of 50% of all mercury absorbed, as

Richardson's data indicates, or three-fourths, as the WHO data suggests,

mercury from amalgams contributes a substantial portion of the mercury

absorbed each day, not a "very small" portion as the ADA would have the

public believe.



All the studies that directly link mercury to Alzheimer's Disease have

been done at the University of Kentucky. Three of these found higher

mercury levels in AD brains than in age-matched, neurologically normal

brains. The first of these, published by Ehmann et al. in 1986, examined

levels of 16 trace elements in the cerebral cortex of 14 AD and 28

control brains. The authors reported significant differences in eight of

the 16 elements; the largest differences were in mercury and bromine

(elevated in AD brains) and rubidium (reduced in AD brains). Two years

later Thompson et al. examined levels of 14 trace elements in three

areas of the brain that undergo marked change in AD victims -- the

hippocampus, amygdala, and nucleus basalis of Meynert (nbM) (11 AD and

11 control brains). They found the same imbalances in these regions of

the brain that they had found in the cerebral cortex in their earlier

study (with the exception of rubidium). The mercury imbalance in nbM was

the largest of these differences. In 1990, Wenstrup et al. measured 13

trace elements at the "subcellular level" in material taken from the

temporal lobe of ten AD patients and 12 normal controls. They reported

significant differences for five elements: elevated mercury and bromine,

and diminished selenium, zinc, and rubidium. The authors noted that

selenium "is known to play a protective role in biological tissue

against mercury toxicity" and that zinc may also play a protective role

"by forming a zinc-thioneine complex with which the mercury will replace

zinc forming a less toxic mercury-thioneine complex."


In this last study, the authors discussed three mechanisms by which

mercury could cause AD symptoms: reducing the brain's ability to utilize

tubulin, a protein used to manufacture microtubules; alteration of cell

membranes; and other forms of cell dysfunction caused by the loss of

zinc and selenium, a loss "possibly" due to the role zinc and selenium

plan in detoxifying mercury. The University of Kentucky researchers have

conducted several studies examining the first hypothesis.


Tubulin is a protein found in every cell. In nerve cells, tubulin is an

element of microtubules, described by one writer as "neuronal railroad

tracks, transporting molecules between the cell body and nerve

terminals." The hypothesis that AD brains cannot use tubulin to make

microtubules is at least ten years old. The contribution of the

University of Kentucky researchers has been to show that mercury may be

the cause of this defect. Three studies by these scholars support this

hypothesis. The first demonstrated that the

tubulin-guanosine-5'-triphosphate (GTP) interaction is greatly reduced

in AD brains; the second that EDTA "complexed" with mercury reduces

GTP-tubulin interaction in normal human brain homogenates; the third,

that the brains of rats exposed to mercury vapor demonstrate the same

marked reduction in tubulin-GTP interaction demonstrated in humans in

the first study. In the third study (which was done with scholars at the

University of Calgary medical school), rats were exposed to mercury

vapor at 300 micrograms per cubic meter for four hours a day for periods

ranging up to 28 days. The authors noted that 300 micrograms is "a level

detectable in mouths of some human subjects with large numbers of

amalgam fillings." The authors found that by the fourteenth day the rate

of tubulin-GTP binding had been reduced by 75 percent. "The identical

neurochemical lesion of similar magnitude is evident in Alzheimer brain

homogenates. . .," stated the authors.



A large body of research on the effect of accidental mercury poisoning

indicates that mercury causes emotional and mental disturbances very

similar to those that appear in many AD victims. Here is a summary of

the emotional and mental symptoms commonly associated with AD:


Patients with Alzheimer's exhibit changes in personality and social

skills. They . . . may become socially uninhibited or lose all

initiative and interest in activities. These patients often have

delusions, hallucinations, and sleep disorders. They sometimes show

grossly inappropriate judgement and sometimes are misdiagnosed as being

depressed or psychotic.


Every one of these symptoms are common symptoms of mercury poisoning.


The American Dental Association and its state affiliates cite a 1995

study of 129 elderly nuns as conclusive evidence that amalgams cannot

cause AD. But this study lacked a control group, and is therefore

useless. The authors divided 129 nuns into five groups depending on how

many teeth and how much occlusal amalgam surface they had. The authors

referred to these groups as "risk categories," which is to say the

authors assumed that an old woman's risk of contracting Alzheimer's-like

symptoms is higher if, at the time of the study, she had teeth with

amalgams than if she had no teeth. The reader is led to think, in other

words, that the edentulous (toothless) nuns were the least likely to get

AD because their amalgam load at the time of the study was lower than

that of nuns in the other four categories. This is an absurd assumption.

No one other than the authors of this study postulates that mercury from

amalgams causes AD overnight. If amalgam mercury causes AD in elderly

women, it does so over decades, beginning possibly when the women got

their first fillings, which for most people occurs when they are

children. Having made this untenable assumption, the authors proceeded

to measure the mental abilities of the nuns with the Mini-Mental State

Examination, a commonly used test of mental function, and other tests,

and found no difference in test scores among the five "risk categories."

"In fact," note the authors in an attempt to get the reader to think the

edentulous group was the control group, "the group with the highest

amalgam surface area had the same mean Mini-Mental State Examination

score as the edentulous group." Nowhere in this article does the phrase

"control group" appear.


What the authors of this study should have done was to measure the

lifetime exposure of the nuns to amalgam mercury as well as mercury

levels in their brains during autopsy, and see if there is a correlation

between lifetime exposure and brain mercury levels, or between either of

these variables and performance on cognitive skills tests. In such a

study, nuns edentulous by the time of the study may turn out to be the

"risk category" with the highest exposure to amalgam mercury. After all,

a toothless person has almost certainly suffered from greater tooth

decay than someone with teeth, and, therefore, has probably been exposed

to more amalgam mercury for a substantial period of time than someone

who remains dentate. Because mercury stays in the brain for decades, one

could be edentulous for a very long time and still have more brain

mercury than someone who is dentate and has a lot of amalgams.



Like Parkinson's and other adult-onset diseases of the central nervous

system that now afflict humanity, AD was rare or nonexistent prior to

the onset of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution, which

greatly increased human exposure to mercury in the work place and in the

environment, got underway in the mid-1700s. Amalgam was invented in

Europe around 1820 and was widely used throughout Europe and North

America by 1850. Parkinson's, MS, and ALS were first mentioned in

medical journals in the 1800s. It was not until 1906 that German

psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer announced that he had found a "strange

disease of the cerebral cortex" in the course of performing an autopsy

on a demented 56-year-old woman. The woman's brain contained an unusual

number of the plaques and tangles now considered to be the defining

symptoms of AD.


Scholars affiliated with the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota

Pollution Control Agency have demonstrated that atmospheric mercury

levels rose dramatically during the 1800's. In a 1992 article published

in Science, they reported that the rate at which mercury accumulated in

seven lakes "increased by a factor of 3 to 4 during the past 140 years."

Because the seven lakes are at great distance from industrial sources of

mercury and are spread out over a large area encompassing northern

Wisconsin and northern and central Minnesota, and because "the

deposition rates are relatively uniform" across the seven lakes, the

authors concluded that the mercury sources were "regional if not

global." Data for six of the seven lakes indicated a substantial

increase in deposition rates around 1850 and another increase around

1920. Subsequent research indicates mercury deposition rates may have

peaked in the 1970s.


Amalgam is the dentist's stock in trade. Today a typical adult carries

ten amalgams weighing a total of about ten grams, of which five grams is

mercury. What little research there is on the rate at which mercury

escapes amalgam suggests about half a gram of mercury will escape from

these ten fillings over the ten-year life of these fillings, and most of

this mercury will be absorbed by the bearer of the amalgams. To put a

half-gram in context, consider these facts: Half a gram of mercury

dropped into a ten-acre lake warrants the promulgation of a fish

advisory for the lake in Minnesota; the tennis shoes with mercury in

them that were banned by the Minnesota legislature in 1994 contained

half a gram of mercury per shoe. (0.5 gram in a 180 lb. body, produces a

concentration of 6.168 PPM. Compare this level, to the elements in the

"Water of Life" <hydros0l.htm>. TRC)


Mammals have been evolving on this earth for 70 million years. A

permanent tripling or quadrupling of environmental mercury levels over a

mere century may well have had some impact on human health even if

amalgams had never been invented. If in fact amalgam accounts for at

least half of all mercury absorbed today, then we may say with some

accuracy that the introduction of amalgam coupled with the increase in

atmospheric mercury exposed humanity to at least a six-fold increase in

mercury over approximately 100 years. A century is a very short period

of time for any organism to develop new defense mechanisms against

unprecedented levels of something as toxic as mercury.



Blacks have far fewer amalgams in their heads than whites; they also die

far less frequently from AD and MS. According to a 1996 report from the

Centers for Disease Control, white people are nearly two times more

likely to die from AD than blacks. According to a 1978 study of MS, "The

. . . US Army suggests that the risk of MS for white males is 2.5 times

the risk for black males." Blacks in the US and England have long had

much lower rates of caries than whites. According to the latest health

survey by the National Center for Health Statistics (which was conducted

over the 1988-91 period), adult blacks had only one-third the number of

"filled surfaces" as whites (8.5 versus 22.8). A small part of this

difference was due to more untreated decay among blacks, but most of it

was accounted for by less decay in blacks. The small difference in

longevity in blacks and whites is too small to account for a two-fold

difference in AD mortality rates.





      AD as an inflammatory response




The hypothesis that AD is caused by mercury from amalgam and the

environment is consistent with the theory that AD is an inflammatory

disease caused by the body's reaction to an infection or environmental

insult. The evidence that AD "fits the paradigm of the idiopathic

rheumatic disorders" was recently presented by Aisen and Davis.

"According to this model," wrote the authors, "an unknown set of

circumstances results in an initial insult triggering an inflammatory

reaction in the brain. The inflammation becomes self-propagating, or it

continues because the obscure inciting factors persist." They argue that

the acute phase response may augment production of beta-amyloid, the

protein found among the plaques in AD brains. They conclude that

"cytokines, acute phase proteins, activated microglia, and complement,"

all mechanisms which can be triggered by the acute phase response of the

immune system, are "involved" with AD, either as causes or consequences,

and that anti-inflammatory drugs may "alter" the progression of AD.

Mercury may well be one of the "obscure inciting factors" that triggers

the inflammatory response.


Some direct evidence that anti-inflammatory drugs may delay the onset of

AD already exists. McGeer et al. reported data suggesting that "the

prevalence of Alzheimer disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is

unexpectedly low and that [the use of] anti-inflammatory therapy might

be the explanation." Aisen and Davis cite two other studies that reach

the same conclusion.






      ApoE status




Researchers at Duke University have recently shown an association

between AD and the presence of a blood protein called apolipoprotein E

type-four (apoE4). People with two apoE4 genes have eight times the risk

of developing late-onset AD as those with two apoE3 genes, and those

with two apoE2 genes have an even lower risk. The Duke researchers

subsequently found that microtubules are more likely to break down in

people with apoE4 than E3 genes. They surmise that this breakdown is

caused by the inability of a protein called tau to participate in the

construction of microtubules. I reviewed above the research by Haley et

al. indicating the breakdown may be caused by the AD brain's reduced

ability to utilize another protein -- tubulin -- in the construction of

microtubules, an inability triggered by the presence of mercury.


Haley hypothesizes that the apoE4-AD correlation is due to the inability

of apoE4 protein to transport mercury out of the brain. The following

statement by David Kennedy, a dentist and researcher on amalgam

toxicity, summarizes Haley's theory:


    The function of [the apoE] protein is to transport cholesterol out

    of the brain... The difference between apoE2, E3 and E4 is that E2

    has two cysteines, in E3 one cysteine is replaced by an arginine,

    [and] in E4 both cysteines are replaced by arginine. [Haley]

    explained that unlike cysteine the arginine does not pick up mercury

    since it contains no sulfur. Sulfur is called a mercaptan (Latin for

    mercury capture). Mercury loves sulfur more than other molecules. It

    will drop whatever it is attached to and bind with sulfur.... E2

    people, who are less likely to get AD, have a protein that carries

    mercury as well as cholesterol out of the brain by binding mercury

    with sulfur seats.


Haley's explanation of the relationship between apoE status and AD is

consistent with a 1988 study of trace element levels in hair and nails

of AD patients done at the University of Kentucky by Vance et al. The

study found no difference in hair mercury levels of patients with and

without AD; it found that AD patients had lower mercury levels in their

nails than did the non-AD controls. In his review of the literature on

amalgam toxicity, Richardson cited the study by Vance et al. as evidence

against the conclusion that amalgams cause AD. If Haley's description of

apoE is correct, or if research demonstrates some day that for other

reasons some humans are have diminished capacity to scavenge and excrete

mercury, we should expect to find that AD victims have the same or lower

mercury levels in hair and nails despite having above-average levels in

their brains.


If Haley's thesis is correct, the following hypothesis seems quite

plausible: because of a reduced capacity to excrete mercury, mercury

(from amalgam and nonamalgam sources) builds up more rapidly in the

brains of people with the epoE4 gene; rising mercury levels in the brain

eventually cause the destruction of microtubules which in turn leads to

neuron death; rising mercury levels trigger an inflammatory response

that accompanies, and may contribute to, neuron death.


AD afflicts many who do not carry the apoE4 gene. What that signifies is

that an intolerable level of mercury can build up in people regardless

of their apoE status. This intolerable level may be reached (1) because

of exposure to high levels of mercury, (2) because of exposure to other

toxins and stressors that reduce the ability to cope with mercury, (3)

because of genes other than those controlling apoE status, or (4) some

combination of these three conditions.






      Other theories: estrogen, education, head trauma,

      electromagnetic fields, and smoking




The hypothesis that mercury causes AD is consistent as well with other

theories of AD etiology.


Evidence supports the claim that estrogen supplements reduce the risk of

AD in women. Animal experiments indicate that estrogen stimulates nerve

growth, perhaps indirectly by its effect on nerve growth factor. Higher

education levels may also protect against AD. Like estrogen, education

(or perhaps the habits of mind that higher education encourages) may

help the brain maintain or construct neurons. These findings are

consistent with the mercury hypothesis. Estrogen and education may

protect against AD by minimizing or compensating for the neuronal

destruction caused by mercury.


Trauma to the head is occasionally mentioned in the literature as a

factor associated with a higher incidence of AD. At least one expert

believes head trauma is a risk only for people with the apoE4 gene. A

blow to the head may aggravate the toxic effect of mercury in at least

two ways: it might stress the body and thereby weaken the body's ability

to withstand the presence of mercury; the trauma may fracture fillings

and increase the victim's exposure to mercury.


I base the latter explanation on my familiarity with the health history

of June Varner, a Little Falls woman who overcame nearly paralyzing

confusion by getting her amalgams removed. Her inability to concentrate

and make decisions set in after a 1978 car accident. The problem was

severe. June stated in a letter to me, "I can remember looking down at

my shoelaces months after the accident; I could not remember how to tie

them. I knew that I knew how to do it but I could not remember." Other

symptoms that appeared after the accident included headaches, vertigo,

nausea, extreme fatigue, and memory loss. These symptoms persisted until

1992 when her dentist discovered that several teeth in the upper right

side of her mouth with amalgams in them were cracked. The replacement of

these amalgams with crowns eliminated the mental confusion and the other

symptoms that came with the confusion. June speculates that the blow to

her head suffered during her auto accident allowed mercury from her

fillings to gain access to her brain.


Golden mentions a study done by Eugene Sobel at the University of

Southern California which found "that the onset of Alzheimer's is

unusually high in dressmakers and tailors," possibly because sewing

machines create large electromagnetic fields (EMFs). EMFs could augment

the damage that mercury does to the brain in two ways. They may render

the blood-brain barrier more permeable to toxic material, including

mercury; they may accelerate the release of mercury from amalgams (see

discussion of the role of electricity in releasing amalgam mercury in



Finally, smoking seems to play a protective role against AD. The reason

for this may be that nicotine has the opposite effect on

neurotransmitters that mercury has. Whereas mercury inhibits the uptake

of, or otherwise reduces the effect of, dopamine, norepinephrine,

serotonin and acetycholine, nicotine increases the levels of these

neurotransmitters. This may explain why people with amalgams tend to

smoke more than people without amalgams.










Mary and Monica are, like me, patients of a Bloomington dentist under

attack by the Minnesota Board of Dentistry for his stance on amalgam (he

won't use them, and he takes them out). Mary, Monica and I have come to

know each other well in the course of working together to defend him and

other mercury-free dentists. Monica and Mary both recovered from

Alzheimer's-like symptoms after the dentist took their amalgams out.


Monica's symptoms were mild; she would say one word when she meant

another, and her memory deteriorated. She overcame these symptoms with a

combination of amalgam removal and supplements. Because Monica's mother

had AD for many years, Monica has little doubt she has the genes that

make her susceptible to AD. Upon her mother's death, Monica and her

sister asked the Mayo Clinic to determine the levels of aluminum, nickel

and mercury in their mother's brain. The results: aluminum, normal;

nickel and mercury, extremely high.


Mary's symptoms were severe, especially for a woman in her thirties

which is when Mary's health deteriorated. She suffered from memory loss

so severe she could not remember people she had known for years or how

to drive to places she had driven to for years. She suffered fits of

rage so intense she had to lock herself in the bathroom to avoid hurting

her children. She recovered quickly after having her amalgams removed.

We can only speculate whether Mary and Monica had the plaques and

tangles of fully developed AD.


I am told dozens, perhaps hundreds, of other Americans could tell

similar stories. I have the phone numbers of several of them.






      Overview of the evidence linking amalgam mercury to ALS




The evidence supporting the hypothesis that amalgam mercury is a cause

of ALS is as strong as the evidence implicating amalgam in the onset of

AD. Like AD, ALS was not described until well after the Industrial

Revolution had begun. According to Felmus et al., "[T]he original

description of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis" appeared in 1869. Like the

evidence linking amalgam with AD, the evidence linking amalgam to ALS

includes research showing elevated mercury in ALS patients and anecdotal

evidence of recovery from ALS after amalgam removal. Unlike the AD

literature, the literature on ALS includes at least five articles

describing the appearance of ALS symptoms in people exposed to organic

mercury and mercury vapor, and, for some victims, the disappearance of

these symptoms after exposure to mercury ceased. Like the literature on

AD, the literature on ALS contains speculation that ALS may be an

inflammatory disease caused by a toxin. I find it intriguing that

familial ALS and AD "have [both] been mapped to chromosome 21."


The scientific literature on mercury, amalgam and ALS


The first of several reports on ALS-like symptoms triggered by exposure

to mercury appeared in 1954. The article described an ALS-like syndrome

in a 39-year-old farmer who absorbed organic mercury from a fungicide he

used on oats. At least three similar articles have been published since.

One described ALS symptoms in 11 Iranians who ingested bread made with

wheat treated with a fungicide containing ethyl mercury; another

reported ALS symptoms in two men exposed to mercuric oxide and mercury

vapor in a factory that manufactured mercuric oxide; the third described

a 54-year-old man who developed ALS symptoms three-and-a-half months

after he spent two days gathering liquid mercury from old thermometers.


A number of people who have had amalgams removed have recovered from

ALS. In a 1994 article, Redhe and Pleva described such a recovery by a

29-year-old Swedish woman. She had been diagnosed with ALS by the

neurology department at the University Hospital in Umea, Sweden. This

same department pronounced her free of ALS in August 1984, five months

after her amalgams were removed. Nine years later the woman was still

free of ALS symptoms.


Mercury has also been implicated by studies examining health histories

of groups of people diagnosed with ALS. Felmus et al. found that 25 ALS

patients were more likely to be exposed to mercury and lead than a

control group of sick people with non-ALS diagnoses (although the two

groups did not differ in number of amalgams). Sienko et al. sought to

explain the sudden appearance of ALS in six residents of Two Rivers,

Wisconsin over the 1975-1983 period. They found that the ALS victims

suffered more instances of physical trauma, reported more cancer in

their families, and had eaten more fish from Lake Michigan than had 12



Some of the University of Kentucky scholars who examined mercury levels

in AD victims were among the authors of a similar study of ALS patients.

They found that seven deceased ALS victims had more mercury in their

brains than did nine deceased controls who did not have ALS, and that

blood cells of 40 living ALS patients contained more mercury than the

blood cells taken from 31 living controls. Interestingly, ALS victims

had lower levels of selenium in blood serum. Selenium has been shown to

"protect experimental animals against the toxcity of heavy metals, such

as mercury . . . ."



Unpublished anecdotal evidence of recovery from ALS after amalgam removal


The Redhe-Pleva article on the Swedish woman who recovered from ALS

after amaglam removal is the only such report in the peer-reviewed

literature I know of. However, similar but unpublished stories are

numerous. I recount one here. Cynthia Hughes is a Nevada woman who

recovered from ALS after her amalgams were removed by Dr. Hal Huggins, a

Colorado dentist who practiced mercury-free for 23 years until the

Colorado Board of Dental Examiners took his license because of his

public criticism of amalgam. Cynthia and the neurologist who diagnosed

her appeared on a four-part television report entitled "Toxic Teeth"

which aired on a Las Vegas TV station in the early 1990s. The reporter

stated: "Cynthia could not walk or talk until she had her mercury

fillings removed. Even her doctor was amazed by her sudden improvement."

At this point the camera showed a doctor sitting at his desk with his

name and specialty shown on the screen -- "Dr. Hal Griffith,

neurologist." Dr. Griffith stated, Cynthia "had a dramatic . . .

complete recovery."






      Evidence linking amalgam mercury

      with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's




Like AD and ALS, MS and Parkinson's are adult-onset diseases that either

did not exist or were rare prior to 1800. Like the AD and ALS

literature, the MS and Parkinson's literature offers some evidence that

toxins in general and mercury in particular plays a critical role in the

etiology of these diseases. Finally, there is substantial anecdotal

evidence that amalgam removal reduces MS symptoms dramatically in many

MS patients. I know only two Parkinson's patients who have had their

amalgams removed, and one of them improved.




      Evidence that mercury is swallowed and absorbed

      into mouth tissue: the corrosion studies


Although experts think most amalgam mercury enters the body is mercury

that escaped via evaporation and inhaled, I start with a review of the

evidence that mercury is released via corrosion because that evidence is

the oldest. Electrical currents, created by the amalgams themselves,

liberate mercury from the filling and allow it to travel into the saliva

and mouth tissue, including gums and pulp. The liberation of mercury and

other metals from the amalgam by electrical currents is called corrosion

and, sometimes, "oral galvanism."


It has been known since at least 1878 that amalgams create these

electrical currents. It has been known since at least 1881 that amalgams

discolor and soften the dentin (the soft material between the enamel and

the pulp), and since at least 1953 that one phenomenon causes the other,

that is, that the electrical currents in the mouth cause fillings to

corrode and release metals that then travel into the dentin causing

discoloration. The 1953 study examined 300 freshly extracted teeth

containing amalgams and found a "greenish to grayish black

discoloration" in the dentin of 85% of the teeth. In this discolored

dentin the authors found "relatively large amounts of mercury . . . with

smaller amounts of silver, zinc, tin and copper. . . ." The authors

recreated this same greenish-black color in the dentin by running

electric currents through the amalgam, leading the authors to conclude

that the migration of mercury and other materials from the amalgam was

precipitated by "intermittent galvanic action arising from within the

amalgam filling itself." Other studies have confirmed this finding. By

the 1970s it was established that mercury was migrating into the gums,

pulp, and, by the 1980s, the jawbone.






      Evidence that mercury is inhaled: the vapor studies




A report in 1979 that fillings give off mercury vapor led to the revival

of the amalgam debate in this country. Prior to 1979 the position of the

ADA and most dentists was that a newly inserted filling would give off

mercury vapor for a few hours but after that mercury vaporization

ceased. The 1979 study was important because it established that chewing

released mercury vapor even from old fillings. The study was done by

three researchers at the University of Iowa. They announced preliminary

results in a letter to Lancet, a widely read British medical journal.

They reported that chewing gum for 15 minutes caused mercury vapor

levels in expired air to rise by as much as 17 times in five individuals

with amalgams whereas gum chewing by two subjects without amalgams had

no effect on the amount of mercury in their breath. Although other

research was also published that year linking amalgams to mercury levels

in the blood, the Lancet announcement is the one cited throughout the

scientific literature as the first study in recent times demonstrating

that mercury escapes from fillings. The final report on the Iowa

research published two years later concluded that chewing increased the

amount of mercury vapor in the breath of subjects with amalgams by an

average of 15.6-fold and that, even before chewing, subjects with

amalgams had three times as much mercury in their breath as the

non-amalgam subjects.


Patterson and two other New Zealand researchers reported in 1985 that

brushing one's teeth with a soft tooth brush for one minute also

stimulates mercury vapor release. Mercury vapor levels rose from an

average of 3.1 ng/L of expired air before brushing to 8.2 ng/L after

brushing. Even eating musli, a soft cereal, raised mercury vapor levels.


In 1988, Langworth et al. published a study of "intratracheal mercury

levels" (that is, mercury levels in the air in the windpipe) of ten

subjects (all, apparently, with amalgams). Prior to brushing their

teeth, tracheal mercury vapor levels were below the instrumental

detection limit of 1 ug/m^3 for five subjects and ranged from 1-6 ug/m^3

for the other five. After brushing, the average level for all ten

subjects rose to 56.4 ug/m^3 .


The last study of oral mercury vapor levels was published in 1994 by

Siblerud et al. They reported that people with amalgams had twice as

much mercury vapor in their mouth air as people without amalgams prior

to chewing and four times as much after chewing.


The reader should note that the breath levels just reported are averages

among the people volunteering for the various studies and therefore do

not reveal the high levels of mercury vapor reached in some people's

mouths. Dr. Wayne King, a Georgia dentist, in testimony before the FDA

Dental Panel in 1991, made this remark indicating that oral mercury

vapor levels can reach very high levels in some of his patients: "I have

been absolutely horrified to see some of the numbers that I have

measured coming out of some of the mouths of my patients; for instance,

200 micrograms per cubic meter in a suicidally depressed patient."


That mercury vapor is released by amalgams is no longer debatable. As

one expert who defends amalgams put it at the 1991 National Institute of

Dental Research conference, "The question is not if, but how much

mercury vapor is released."




Those interested in more information may contact Kip Sullivan at





Chelation Therapy <../riddick/rwaters.htm>


Heavy Metal Toxicology <heavmet.htm>


Hydroponic Reference Center <makhydro.htm>


Site Link List <../link.htm> - Mercury <hg.htm> - Silver <Ag.htm>


Mercury Free and Healthy <>

The Dental Amalgam Issue


Advanced Therapy for Heavy Metal Detoxification <../ext/hastobe.htm>


Symptoms of Toxic Elements - From the Merck Index. <../toxic.htm>


The Tortoise Shell  "Science of Health"  Newsletter <../news.htm> *

? Putting an End to Disease on Our Planet ? *


*Tortoise Shell Life Science Puzzle Box ? Front Page <../index.html> *


*View this page Full Frame <amalgam.htm> *


*Excerpts from memo by **Kip Sullivan*
