Personal "amalgam history".
The typical amalgam intoxicated patient.
Positive and negative short and longterm observations.
Research project.
Electrosensitivity or el-allergy and el-hypersensitivity. Reactivity testing.
Choice of dental materials and handling techniques.
Practical methods of protecting the patient, staff and environment when removing amalgam
Dental nr. 13. Steinberg
Grafisk - Drammen
Amalgam History
When doc. Mats Hanson raised the amalgam issue in Europe and the first
group of amalgam poisoned patients organised themselves in Sweden, I was as
sceptical as most people. Possibly due to the fact that I had suffered recent
personal health complications that were not understood by the medical
expertise, I listened instead of rejecting their views.
Even if my Colleges dr. Pinto in Brasil and dr. Huggins in Colorado had
made substantial clinical discoveries on amalgampoisoned patients, their Claims
of important clinical observations backed by significant somatic analysis where
disregarded as unscientific by the dental and medical establishment. Other clinicians
like dr. Ziff and his father have made important contribution by spreading
Information of research on amalgam and other dental material toxicity.
In Sweden Jaro Pleva and Mats Hanson along with a group of
interdiciplinary clinicians and scientists in the Gustaf Werner Group provided
a scientific approach and some understanding to the many implications of
amalgam corrosion and toxicity. Realising early that body liquids were not
representative of any possible depots of metals in the body (if not mobilised
by metal chelators), they developed new methods trying to monitor enzyme
function, trace element changes in whole blood, plasma and individual cells and
heavy metal content as well. Their understanding of free radical production and
control of this process by antioxidants such as Vitamins and certain minerals
gave us an important clinical tool to Supplement the amalgam removal.
Clinicians working with amalgampoisoned patients are well aware of the
danger of increased sensitisation of mercury and the common exacerbation of
symptoms related to metaltoxicity when undergoing amalgam removal. Several
researchers have shown that the patient is exposed to substantial amounts of
mercury vapour and amalgam particles that may be inhaled, absorbed in mucous membranes
or swallowed during the process of amalgam removal.
Considering the fact that the operating clinicians were also exposed,
Mats Hanson and I found it puzzling that no'dentist around the world had made
any major effort to establish or construct protective measures for this vital
procedure (see later). With the rapidly improved results obtained by careful
amalgam removal accompanied by individual antioxidant and other supplemantary
therapy (and chelating agents in some cases), we were astonished to witness
continuous recoveries from diseases that according to traditional medical
opinion only partially could improve by
palliative treatment like Cortisone therapy.
I chose to treat those patients whom the Norwegian and Swedish medical researchers considered
or suspected to be the most amalgam intoxicated which they referred to me.
Furthermore I chose to to treat those scientists, psychologists,
psychiatrists, doctors and other people with intellectual resources and
interest in this matter in our common effort "to spread the Word".
typical amalgam intoxicated patient:
and chronic metal toxicity
and symptomatology in
book (english is only the last chapter),
I refer to this complex of
symptoms often accentuating with unexpected bouts of groups of seemingly
unrelated symptoms. Typically the onset follows weeks after dental treatment,
an acute infection or after the mother has breastfed one or more babies.
The insiduous onset of increasing immunotoxic and neurastenic symptoms
may largely be due to mercury, while as the neurologic and other Psychiatric
symptoms also may be due to copper, silver and tin as dr. Daunderer describes
and monitors in his patients. The inflammatory reactions of various kinds may
also be due to several amalgam components and also the lack of selenium and zink commonly observed in the
amalgampoisoned patient. In Scandinavia the average adult patient has a higher
amount of amalgam fillings than anywhere in the world, and as most people now
keep most of their teeth throughout life and commonly introduce other metals in
the oral environment, the toxic exposure is increasing. Thus this is true
because of increased electrochemical corrosion even if the use of amalgam is
drastically reduced. The main problem
being the constantly increasing
depots in organs of long halflife. The tragic fact that even the next generation
is mercury exposed as foetus by the mother's amalgam and dental treatment
during pregnancy, people will suffer long after an amalgam ban. General
pollution also plays a part. Acid rain contributing to a much too low
bioavailable average selenium intake thus predisposing mercury toxicity. Loss
of selenium in mother's milk renders the mother extremely susceptible to
amalgam toxicity. This latter patient typically develops skin problems,
neurastenic symptoms, muscle and Joint pains and receiye the diagnosis
fibromyalgia (fibrositis). The reumatologist dr. Bo Nilsson has seen that more
than 90 % of his 60 patients with fibromyalgia diagnosis recovered within a 5
year period following amalgam removal. His findings correlates well with my own
observations. Many of these female patients suffer long term hormonal changes,
possibly due to the high deposits of mercury in the pituitary gland with a
seemingly long half-life (ref A. Stock / dr. Nylander). Typically they have
long term menstrual disturbances and a history of cell changes, infectious or
inflammatory reactions or cysts in breasts and ovaries. Men seem to develop
Prostatitis and these conditions seem to improve with careful amalgam removal
and antioxidant therapy.
Even if some of my patients have tried alternative medical (eg various
forms of homeopathy) and traditional medical detoxification (eg DMPS and DMSA),
most patients have only had careful amalgam removal accompanied with
antioxidant and other supplementary therapy.
Kicks de Vahl, one of the founders of the Gustaf Werner Group ran about
100 indirect seleniumtests on my patients, evaluating the bioavailable
seleniura by measuring the enzyme function of GSHpX (seleniumcontaining
glutathioneperoxidase enzyme). The traditional selenium blood tests could not
discriminate whether selenium already was tied to cadmium or mercury as selenides
or available for essential enzymefunctions or to bind new mercury released from
amalgam. Her test often showed a low GSHpX value when other tests were normal,
and this corresponded extremely well with the clinical impression the patient
presented with.
Björn Calmark of Scandlab in the same group ran tests measuring
individual amounts of essential minerals and heavy metals in whole blood,
plasma and even individual blood cells. He found that most of my patients had a
significant lack of selenium, zink and magnesium but also other trace element
disturbances. Both zink and selenium are important antioxidants and lack of
magnesium may partially explain the cardiac arrythmias that many of our
patients suffer from periodically.
Ulf Lind (same group) has with the PIXE-method (particle induced X-ray
emission) shown that these patients unlike controls have mercury in certain red
and white blood cells. Dr. Anders Lindvall has shown that many of these
amalgamintoxicated patients also suffer from chronic mononucleosis, suggesting
that mercury from amalgam potentiate the Ebstain Barr virus (and possibly
others). Along with others he suggests that the mercurysuppressive effect on
the T-lymphocytes is partially responsible also for the common finding that
amalgam poisoned patients suffer from more or less well diagnosed Candida
Albicans infections. We find that amalgam intoxicated patients often present
with a diagnosis of EB-virus infection (ME or myalgic encephalitis or
YAP-disease) or Candidiasis, and suffering continuous setbacks after attempted
treatments for these conditions.
Many doctors claim that Cortisone and antibiotic treatment are the
commonest causes of Candidiasis, but why have these patients been given such
prolonged or repetitive treatment in the first place ? They must have been
subjected to an immunotoxic / autoimmune agent for a long time (eg mercury).
Normally we find that these patients recover after careful amalgam
removal and they do not have to stick as strongly to yeast free diets any
longer (in the case of Candidiasis). Their many bewildering food allergies also
tend to subside as well.
It is however interesting to note that the symptomatology of heavy metal
toxicity is complicated by primary and / or secondary vitamin and mineral
deficiancy states and the added symptoms of chronic infectious viral, bacterial
and fungal agents. Fortunately we have found that combining our efforts to
treat the varous causes of these symptoms, rather than just giving palliative
drugs to aleviate or lessen them, have been increasingly successful.
Like Russian scientists monitoring mercuryintoxicated patients, dr
Nilsson has tried to trace the disturbed Serotonin metabolism of the
amalgampoisoned patient. He found that Serotonin levels normalise as the
symptoms of loss of short term memory, reduced ability to concentrate,
irritability etc. is reduced after amalgam removal. Apart from antioxidant
therapy some Swedish doctors claim improved results by administering either the
building blocks (aminoacids) or the complete neuro-transmittors they consider
deficient intraveniously; dr. B. Brunes.
Apart from the typical acute toxic episodes the amalgam poisoned patient
suffers when exposed during amalgam removal, there is another obvious feature
of these patients seen years after treatment. Presumably random groups of
Symptoms well known to the patient reoccur in periods. The number and intensity
and duration gradually subside, but the patient is commonly alarmed and
distressed, especially in the beginning. Thus we warn our patients during
treatment, so that they are prepared for this. Whether or not this is due to
immunologic memory and new free radical production and long half-life of metals
in the brain and possibly elsewhere is hard to know. Furthermore these patients
tend to suffer setbacks if exposed to other new toxins of any kind, but
especially mercury. Not surprisingly anything that mobilises mercury from fatty
depots in the body tissues, like ultrasound treatment, massage or physical
exercise tend to increase typical amalgam toxic symptoms even as long as one or
two years after amalgam removal. The neurologist and neurotoxicologist Brit
Westerlund has measured an increase of mercury in the cerebrospinal
fluid on these
patients and found that an increase corresponds well to the patients experience
and symptoms.
Thus we recommend our patients to avoid such treatments and strong
physical exercise, and instead encourage saunasweating and other detoxifying
treatments according to the findings of dr Daunderer and dr Zane R. Gard in San
Diego. Not only do these doctors evaluate other potential toxic exposures the
patient may have suffered (eg formaldehyde) but they also make various efforts
to measure and monitor the treatment progress. The latter is unfortunately almost
unheard of by the many clinicians practising alternative medical detoxificating
treatments. I hope they will in the future. Apart from electroaqupuncture (eg
Vegatest), there is little evidence that patients actually excrete more metals
when treated with lymfatic drainage, zone therapy, aqupuncture, various forms
of homeopathic detoxification or other alternative medical treatment. I have
however, had many patients claiming a major change of symptoms and colour and
texture change of faeces and urine after such treatments and with a further
improvement of their medical condition afterwards.
Even if I have become aware of enormous benefits of such treatments, I
feel I have to warn my patients too. We have had several tragic setbacks which
cannot alone be explained by the expected temporary worsening of the
homeopathic effect. Unfortunately I think we all underestimate the complexity
and individuality of the amalgamtoxic reactions, and that those patients who
are not so young anymore or have suffered more devastating Psychiatric
disturbances should be treated extremely
We have had many patients who have suffered unexpected
setbacks when they take selenium even in minute dosages whatever organic or
inorganic form and others who react to certain other minerals or Vitamins. Thus
we recommend these sensitive patients to "listen carefully" to their
own symptoms as they often have acquired a lot of medical knowledge
and certainly know how they react. Fortunately we see that they most often
slowly (by careful amalgam removal and slow low dosage administration) acquire
an increased tolerance for the so-called essential trace elements and Vitamins.
Biopats combine the traditional and alternative medical methods to investigate
and treat their patients and seem most competent to help such patients
Having personally treated more than 500
amalgamintoxicated patents and consulted several thousand along with other
clinicians and researchers, the clinickal experience meay be divided into:
Positive and negative short and longterm
observations (brief case histories and generalisations)
Young patients, especially children seem to recover extremely well and
surprisingly fast after amalgam removal. Various forms of epilepsy disappear
(only one patient suffered a setback when playing in front of a Computer).
Astma normally disappear or become less intense as well as other allergic
reactions. One study on 124 female dental assistants with mercury toxic
symptoms shows that most of those that were mothers had given birth to children
that developed allergies. Many of the children of the amalgamintoxicated
mothers I have treated have suffered more or less violent cramps or seizures
when receiving vaccines (mercury conservative) and suffered hairloss, numbness
and muscle and joint pains, abnormal restlessness, tiredness, headaches or
migrenes, inability to concentrate and perform intellectual work etc. The
mothers report that these children may change personality soon after amalgam
removal, even if this only consists of one or two small amalgam fillings. Sleep
patterns change and they are less irritant, more concentrated and relaxed and
show a far greater interest and improve intellectual tasks remarkably.
Certainly those children who do not even know that amalgam is being removed
from their teeth should have no placebo-effect.
Very often the mothers have a history of menstrual disturbances,
periodical infirtility, early or late abotions (as described in Sikorsky's
Polish study on female dental personal). My experience correlates well with dr
Huggins and dr Sandra Denton on such patients.
As many amalgamintoxicated patients suffer from severe bouts of anxiety
and deep depressions and even psychotic and hallucinating periods, I want to
warn inexperienced dentists and relatives that suicidal attempts and violent
behaviour may follow dental treatment or eg homeopathic detoxification. Over
the years we have had so many desperate calls from relatives and patients who
have suffered from unfortunate
treatment, and I have made most of the underestimating mistakes myself.
Even with all the protective measures we now use, we occasionally experience
patients ending up in emergencywards with life threatening convulsions, spasms,
tremendous abdominal pain or breathing problems normally partially misdiagnosed
as hyperventilation. I would like to illustrate the difficulty with this case
A 32 year old woman had suffered
intestinal bleeding and radical health deterioration when removing a couple of
amalgam fillings. Before this she had noticed that her health problems were
related to the insertion of a gold crown fitted next to amalgam and the
breakage of a mercury thermometer in her bedroom trying to monitor her fever
reaction and Sinusitis. The dentist that helped her were familiar with amalgam
intoxication, but had no protective equipment at that time. Unfortunately I thought that my protective
equipment was sufficient to help her. This consisted at the time of a 3 M
mercury vapour filter mask applied over her nose and a highflow
industry-suction applied just over her mouth during amalgam removal. I
definitely underestimated her intoxication and did not use rubberdam
(kofferdam) on when removing a big filling. Soon after she broke down crying
for more than an hour, seemingly unable to stop and she could hardly remember
this afterwards (increased tendency to cry is a wellknown mercurytoxic Symptom).
Even if some of her symptoms presumably related to amalgamtoxicity improved,
she suffered serious setbacks even-if all the rest of her amalgam was carefully
removed with no leakage under the rubberdam covering her. She made serious
efforts to compensate her toxic anorexia taking sulfhydrilcontaining aminoacids
etc., but still suffered fits of burning sensations in her head and down her
back with bouts of vigorous tremor and fits. On a couple of occasions she
thought she was dying and crawled out from her flat on the street where she was
found and hospitalised. Later she was moved to a Psychiatric ward where her
perscriptionfree antioxidants were taken away from her. Via two friends and by
letter she begged me for help as the staff did not believe anything she told
them about mercurypoisoning. I immediately wrote a letter to the hospital staff
protesting their removal of her antioxidants and stated that she was
intoxicated by mercury and that I had treated her. I recommended them to contact
a neurotoxicologist in Sweden to make further somatic tests like measuring the
mercury content of her cerebrospinal fluid. The hospital staff did neither
reply nor attempt to make this contact but instead filed a complaint on me to
the Norwegian health dep. She did not want to cooperate with the staff and was
transferred to another hospital, where the psychiatrist contacted me. I recommended her to
cooperate with him as I could not rule out that her supposedly psychotic fits
were due to other mental disease and also because there were no family nor
friends that would look after her. She then committed suicide, but before that
begged me to tell her story so that other patients would not be treated like
her. Worried about my professional licence, I asked 4 competent Swedish doctors
to evaluate her case, helped by all the hospital documents and her 11 detailed
letters to
to me in detail describing the onset and development of her
symptomatology related to important events. All the psychologists,
psychiatrists, doctors and dental school and NIOM researchers that were
supposedly consulted or having treated her in Norway concluded that her
condition had nothing to do with mercury toxicity, while all the 4 Swedish
medical experts concluded that her was a typical severe case of inorganic
mercury poisoning.
One doctor speculated that her progressive illness more than a year
after amalgam removal was due to the fact that she still stayed in the room
where she had allegedly broken two (!) mercury thermometers. He also claimed
that by cremating her soon after her suicide they effectively removed all
possible evidence. (In her last letter to me she forwarded a copy of a letter
to her lawyer, where she in the case of her death, wanted to be autopsied and
investigated for possible mercury intoxication).
This was more than 2 years ago and I have heard nothing of the case
since, even if she also filed a legal complaint about her hospital treatment.
Apart from her personal tragedy the case illustrates the necessity to
stress the importance of careful amalgam removal, but more than anything it
describes the typical lack of knowledge of metaltoxicology among the medical
and dental professions. Professors or what, there are hardly anyone competent
in these matters in our countries, and I urge responsible bodies to enhance
research and tuition, as it is our firm conviction that amalgamintoxicated
patients crowd open and closed hospital wards where they suffer further tragic
Even if many of those patients that have been referred to me after
unfortunate removal of some amalgam fillings, do seem to recover (at least
partially), we have some patients whose anorectic condition seem irreversible
due to manifested permanent intestinal damage. Some patients develop Cancer or
serious autoimmune disease during or after careless amalgam removal, and many
report serious neurological setbacks (eg MS patients) or organrelated
complications like renal failure or pancreatitis. On many of these patients I
have only removed one or two fillings if that was what they had left.
When I realised that amalgam was an unnecessary burdon to all carriers,
I started removing it on relatives and friends. The results were startling and
is confirmed by other dentists who have done the same. Even supposedly healthy
individuals may develop serious heart arrythmia or reumatic, hormonal or
psychic problems if not protected during amalgam removal. When amalgam is
removed carefully people often report that their vision, bloodpressure, muscle
and Joint pains, sleep, feelings of stress and anxiety, gastric and intestinal
problems improve. Various minor heart problems disappear and many feel they do
not freeze as readily as before, haemorroids disappear and women almost always
report a more regular and pleasant menstrual cycle. Furthermore people do not
get colds and influencas as often or as intence or long lasting and Sinusitis,
urinaryinfections and allergies often disappear (eg pollen
allergies). The latter Observation is fundamentally important, as the
official Propaganda from dental universities and organisations have claimed
that plastic composites are more allergic than amalgam.
health improvement observed on "healthy" individuals is often
further improved if they take antioxidants regularly DS
When I decided to quit using amalgam I gave a written handout to all my
patients telling them about alternatives, antioxidant treatment and their need
to go elsewhere if they wanted amalgams placed. Apart from the fact that my
dental Colleges filed a complaint against me to the Norwegian health
department, the decision and Information was well accepted. It is interesting
to note that many of my patients who over the years have had their broken
amalgams replaced now report significant health improvements when they only
have a few fillings left.
Dental personal and especially dentists are often embarrassed when they
for years
have ridiculed patients and our views and eventually remove their own
amalgam fillings
and gradually discover how their mental and physical health improves
Even if it is tragic, it is certainly amusing when prof. of psychology
J. Butler of Texas
finds that 9 out of 10 dentists who have practiced dentistry for more
than 5 years,
suffer from various meuropsychological disturbances not seen on dental
Some short term negative reactions are not due to acute toxic exposure
after amalgam removal. Some patients suffer sensibility reactions to cements,
liners, composites, metals etc. in other dental materials replacing amalgam.
Most commonly however, the reactions the dentist and the patient describe and
suspect is from a new material, is typical when insufficient protection is used
during removal. However it is often very hard to tell whether it is a
combination of these reactions or reaction(s) to new materials or a mobilising
reaction of toxic metal depots as a result of surgery or the introduction of
new metal restoratives. Metals will induce new electrochemical and electromagnetic
conditions which together with environmental manmade and natural magnetic
fields further mobilise the toxic metal depots originally from amalgam.
Research has shown that teeth and jawbone often contain enormous amounts
of toxic metals mostly from amalgam fillings, but fatty tissues in the brain
and pituitary are target organs for mercury with a long half-life. It is not
surprising therefore, that many patients spontaneously react with a dramatic
worsening of the typical mercury-toxic symptoms when new metals are introduced.
It does not matter if it is the purest gold or titanium that is being used. The
only acceptable materials are plastics or porcelain / glass. Many of our own
patients, other's patients and clinicians have made these experiences. Thus I
have to warn patients and clinicians about using metal dental restoratives.
This is also due to the fact that we now experience an explosive increase in
the number of electrically sensitive and hypersensitive patients in Scandinavia
and these patients do definitely not tolerate any metal in or on their bodies.
Unlike the typical amalgamintoxicated patient, these el-hypersensitive
patients do not seem to be able to recover (see later chapter).
The seriously ill amalgamintoxicated patient often suffer from a
complexity of more than 100 symptoms. Many come and go and there are many
individual differences. Even if the toxic metals obviously cause both
irreversible and reversible damage, we are fascinated by nature's ability to
restore function when given reasonable opportunity. Generally young people
improve faster than older and seem to have less irreversible damages. We do
however, experience astonishing and rapid improvements on various autoimmune
conditions (eg reumatic diseases) even on old people. Thus we have 70 year-olds
who within a few years completely seem to get rid of their inflammatory
reumatic condition only leaving the permanently damaged scartissue in the
joints. No inflammatory swelling, pain or discomfort other than what the
scartissue causes when the Joint is operative.
We have experienced a young adult who within 6 months from leaving the
reumatologist on crouches with enormous swollen knees recover completely after
amalgam removal (with no other antiinflammatory treatment than antioxidants).
All patients I have had with reumatic disease with psoriasis have either
been vastly improved or have totally gotten rid of the disease.
An absolute majority of reumatic patients show remarkable improvements,
but one has
not noticed any change in the inflammatory process (even when
foot-filled are removed
and no metals are introduced). The latter has not tried chelators.
SLE (lupus erythematosis) is an autoimmune disease of connective tissue.
Only two
patients were treated here, but both have noticed dramatic changes like
enormous skin
rashes and wounds on legs / feet Clearing up even during amalgam
MS (multiple sclerosis): neurologists know that this disease always has
a psychic
component (which is certainly not contradictive to mercury being the main
and with enormous individual Variation. Some patients may suffer one
bout of the disease
and never again or symptoms may come and go with years inbetween. For
these reasons
any treatment for MS will be met with obvious suspicion whatever the Claims
and large
groups of patients with corresponding controlgroups and standardised
treatment is
necessary for scientific evaluation.
Those MS patients that are included in our study (see own chapter) all
have a typical amalgamtoxic symptomatology. Our experience is that only MS
patients with this typical symptomatology make drastic improvements after
amalgam removal and I therefore suspect even
other different causes of MS. Dr
Huggins stresses the importance of sequential removal of high and low
electronegative fillings before high and then low electro-positive fillings and
the importance of avoiding amalgam removal when immune cycles are low every 3
weeks after treatment. Personally I am uncertain about these Statements. I
admit that the vast differences in electrical activity between different
restorations certainly influence the symptomatology and may therefore be
considered in the
treatment planning.
One MS patient I treated made a strong impression on us. A middle-aged
small woman was brought to me by special transport tied lying on one side in
order that she should not drown from her own saliva, since her reflexes had
seized to function. She was thin, absolutely stiff and almost completely lame
and could barely wisper. Her husband told us that she developed an awful
headache and soon devastating MS symptoms soon after 4 gold crowns were fitted
on her front teeth about 20 years ago. All her amalgam fillings were black from
corrosive tinproducts. Soon after removal of the 4 crowns, a dramatic change
set in. She could suddenly move her arms where she got her feeling back and the
following week the cough reflex started operating again and her urine and
faeces changed colour dramatically whilst her body smell suddenly became awful.
With functioning reflexes we were able to remove her fillings and a rootfilled
12 year upper molar tooth (ie far from direct contact with the gold crowns)
which was grey / black throughout. Her condition is constantly improving with
limbs softening up and she can now grip firmly with her hands (she had lost all
feeling in them many years ago). She has not received any other treatment (even
if I would have liked to seen her treated with chelators).
I have had no personal experience with diabetics, but know of some
patients who claim the disease is gone after amalgam removal (not juvenile
diabetes). None of my ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) patients have made
any remarkable recovery as was reported by the Swedish dentist Olle Rehde on a
young female adult. As this disease always progress evenly until death,
neurologists are puzzled even by the fact that some of our patients claim that
they notice periodical improvements. Morbus Crohn and ulcerative Colitis: I
have not had many such patients with autoimmune disease of the small and large
intestines, but the results are extremely positive with one exception
(ulcerative Colitis).
Sjögren's disease is an autoimmune disorder involving the salivary
glands. The only patient I have had claims her symptoms of this disese have
gone and I know Swedish Colleges who have the same experience.
As mercury is an extremely potent autoimmune agent, it seems absurd not
to remove amalgam on patients suffering from various kinds of autoimmune
diseases before giving them continuous Cortisone treatment with common drastic
side-effects. Similarly to replace joints and ligaments with skilful and
expensive surgefy before removal of amalgam.
Many patients have reported that oral symptoms of foul breath, ulcers
and bleeding gums and even periodontal disease disappear after amalgam removal.
Some patients report that diagnosed angina or abnormal heartvalve
function disappear after amalgam removal.
Many patients with hormonal gland disturbances experience gradual
improvements after amalgam removal.
Ab. case history:
A young male airtraffic controller began to suffer from many
symptoms, among them extremely high blood pressure and loss of short term
memory (!)
Medical experts noted an enlarged suprarenal gland thus
suspecting cancer whereupon it was removed surgically. It showed no signs of cancer,
only glandular enlargement which may have accompanied the increased hormonal
production they had found. After a temporary improvement he got critically ill with no
possible treatment. After amalgam removal all symptoms subsided and everything
functions normally 6 years afterwards.
Apparantly all the patients I have had with non-malignant tumors of the
pituitary gland seem to experience a small but significant regression of the
size of the tumour after amalgam removal.
Some amalgamintoxicated patients suffer from enlarged thyroid glands
with increased or lowered hormonal production.
Some have swollen and tender lymphnodes which usually subside after
amalgam removal (and some after removal of root-filled teeth).
We have not removed amalgam from many cancerpatients, but it did not
seem to make any differance on the progress of breastcancer in two patients who
died from the disease. One 8 year old boy had a remarkably rapid disappearance
of all signs of malignant leukemia after amalgam removal however.
Dr Huggins claims that dr
Pinto's father removed amalgam from many patients with leukemia or Hodkin's
disease in Rio in the early 20s with good results.
With the welldocumented effect mercury has on T-cells even HIV-carriers
and AIDS-patients have been thought of as potential victims of amalgam. The
only AIDS patient I have had died soon after amalgam removal.
Astma and other allergies often disappear completely or
subside after amalgam removal, but typically allergic reactions tend to
increase during amalgam removal which again Warrants a word of warning.
Those patients who experience pink skinrashes (confer Acrodynia / Pink
disease) when being out in the sun even after a very short time, seem to
tolerate this as soon as the amalgam fillings have gone.
Various skinrashes, some of
which itch and look like psoriasis, come and go before they eventually
disappear some time after amalgam removal.
Commonly people who develop spots and pimples in adult age
suffer from amalgam poisoning and relapsing bouts of these accompany small
itchy ulcers in the neck plus other well known symptoms long after amalgam
The Swedish kidneypathologist Sverker Eneström has shown that small
dosages of mercury may cause circulating immunecomplexes that may destroy own
tissue where caught in kidneys, brain or heart vessels.
At Calgary Univ. Vimy &
Lorscheider and coworkers have recently shown that placing amalgam in sheep and
monkeys reduces kidneyfuntion by about 60 % and cause a major change in the
intestinal flora increasing mercury uptake.
One patient developed
immunecomplexes against own kidneys just after she gave birth to her baby
leading to complete renal failure. Even if the doctors laughed when she said
she would remove her amalgam fillings, they stopped doing so when the
immunecomplexes disappeared immediately after removal. She later had a
successful kidneytransplant.
Research project
Unfortunately retrospective research is of little value as the patient
impossibly can be 100 % objective. The traditional double blind studies are physically
impossible as I told an interested prof. of immunology who insisted that it
must be done double blind: Please call me when you have found a method where I
can remove the amalgam fillings without neither me nor the patient noticing it.
(I have not heard from him since).
Rather than spending time trying to publish incomplete case histories I
have concentrated on a research project designed by prof. Ulrik Malt
(psychiatrist in Charge of the psychosomatic department of our major hospital
and a respected scientist). From the experience of our previously treated
patients we introduced a large number of symptoms commonly observed in amalgam
poisoning to an existing questionaire used in international research. Adult
Norwegian patients seeking me with a possible amalgamtoxic condition are asked
to write in detail the debut and development of all psychic and somatic symptoms they have been or are suffering from.
Those that I consider probable are forwarded to a med. doctor and a
psychologist who are familiar with amalgamtoxic symptomatology. Those patients
who we all independantly believe to be suffering from amalgam poisoning are
offered to participate in our researchproject where they complete 5 different questionaires
anonymously. These are forwarded to dr. Malt where the results are plotted into
a Computer and eventually 100 amalgamintoxicated patients will be compared with 600 others in 6 different control groups,
one of which contains 100 psychosomatic patients in the hospital ward. The concept of alexythima
was introduced to modern psychiatry, rooted in the Observation that
psychosomatic patients are not able adequately
to perceive and to express their own feelings, thereby developing
somatic symptoms from the body.
With the knowledge of psychosomatic medicine and amalgamtoxic
symptomatology we mean to be able to distinguish between these patients. Obviously there will
always be overlapping toxic burdoning, but we choose those patients for our
research project who have severe amalgamtoxic symptoms and who are not
professionally exposed.
If this descriptive analysis shows marked differences from the other
controlgroups, this will be evaluated and published. We expect to finish this
during the forthcoming winter. Despite the fact that no somatic tests are
included in this study, these patients are regarded as being scientifically
investigated before any treatment is done. Thus I have carefully removed and
replaced amalgam with metalfree
restoratives on most of these patients and new studies may
follow up these patients as time goes by.
Not surprisingly these patients seem to undergo the
same improvement as we have become accustomed to.
Electrosensitivity or el-allergy and el-hypersensitivity
Within the last few years
another presumably undefined group of symptoms have been reported more and more
often, most commonly from people spending a lot of time working in front of
Many severly amalgamintoxicated patients develop
light-hypersensitivity needing to wear sunglasses in normal light. They often
suffer blurred vision and sometimes have restricted field of vision and even
total loss of vision (usually periodically). These patients have noticed that
their Symptoms worsen in supermarkets, under lighttubes or if watching TV.
Recently however, patients who are not suffering from
amalgamtoxicity, have started developing uncomfortable symptoms when sitting in
front of Computers. The rate of symptomdevelopment varies remarkably with
different computers (even if the same make). A computer screen is surrounded by
several types of fields: electrostatic field, magnetic alternating field,
electric alternating field and even radiofrequent electro-magnetic fields.
Early symptoms may be sore and dry eyes, a characteristic
increasing burning and pricking sensation from the skin of the face and bare
neck facing the computer. Initially no visual changes occur and the symptoms
are readily reversible, when leaving the computer. Using filters or low
radiation LCD screens may suffice at this stage. If not taking protective
measures, further and far more debilitating symptoms may develop burning pain,
pricking skin, vertigo, headache, nausea, pains, diarrhea and a feeling of
pressure in temporal and maxillary regions. At this stage many have developed
visual skin changes from reversible reddening areas of the skin to more drastic
changes described by skin specialists to consist of a rapidly increased aging
process affecting all 3 layers of the skin. Some people develop an extreme
el-hypersensitivity during the process, and suffer immediate worsening of the
symptoms whenever introduced to electric fields they may be totally unaware of.
Their light sensibility may force them to stay indoor with blinded windows
purely using candlelight, and unable to stay in any environment containing
electric fields.
Even coming close to a lit lightbulb may be enough for the lips and eyes to
swell up with all the other symptoms mentioned flaring up again.
Unfortunately the amalgamintoxicated patients who have
developed el-hypersensitivity react with awful worsening of symptoms when
trying DMPS
or DMSA chelating agents.
Despite the fact that it is very easy to make double blind
tests showing that an el-sensitised patient reacts to electrical stimulus from
pulsating electromagnetic or electric fields, wellknown Swedish "medical
experts" like prof. D. Ingvar have
publically denounced this as another imagined phenomenon declaring that it is
impossible to react to these weak fields.
Recently however, several computer-researchers, engineers and ecomomists
of the male sex have developed these problems, supporting the many female
computerworkers who were told that they were experiencing menopausal symptoms.
Most commonly affected are those who spend much time with supercomputers
and large cad-cam computers. Many of these patients soon became aware of their
amalgam fillings contributing to their problems, and many developed extreme light
and el-hypersensitivity when beginning to remove their fillings without
sufficient protection. Some lost their sight and were tormented being caught in
the electric environment of modern living, at the same time experiencing the
pitiful harassment of many "medical experts". Even after removing the
rest of the amalgam under extreme precautions, restoring the teeth with the
most metalfree composite or glass fillings, some of these patients are confined
to live in semi-darkness avoiding all electric cables and appliances living in
cottages in the countryside apart from family and friends or committing
Researchers have already shown that amalgam fillings dissolve several
times faster when introduced into a pulsating electromagnetic or electric field
and that there are major differences between the Computers. Even if the major
computercompanies in the world now have become aware of these dangerous
side-effects and research is enhanced to produce appliances that are less
destructive, the number of patients suffering is most likely to increase
rapidly for a long time to come.
In due course the operator should take action if feeling discomfort
working in an electric environment and install protective filters or replace
dangerous equipment. All personal appliances containing metal like jewelry,
wristwatch, glasses, implants, dental restorations and implants and
contraseptive copperspiral will undergo increased electrochemical corrosion
thus increasing the uptake and possible allergic and toxic reactions (the
external appliances corrode when the
contacting skin is moist). From a dental restorative point of view these
patients have further complicated our efforts to serve their dental needs
without deteriorating their serious healthproblems even further. Having had the
most severe cases of el-hypersensitivity (apart from those that cannot travel
at all) referred to me, I conclude that the removal of all metal restorations
are important (even rootfilled teeth
which often contain enormous amount of ionized metals).
No new dental appliances containing metals may be used as restoratives,
titan and gold included. Glassionomers, liners and composites with high
aluminium content seem to be less well tolerated than composites and glass
restoratives with low aluminium content. Abbrev. case history:
A middle-aged woman who had made reasonable improvement from various
ailments after replacing amalgam fillings with composites several years ago
rapidly became severely el-hypersensitised
when starting to work with a computer. Suspecting 9 root-filled teeth, some of
which contained gold or brass posts retaining gold crowns, contributing
to the developing illness these were removed surgically and replaced by
temporary plastic bridges. This immediately alleviated headache, neck and
backpains and the feeling of el-hypersensitivity decreased and swollen
lymphnodes decreased in size. Unfortunately and despite my warnings, I was
persuaded to install porselain / gold bridges (purely containing gold and
platinum) as replacements to avoid full dentures. The el-hypersensitivity
increased drastically with physical and mental retardation leading to surgical
removal of all teeth and replacement with full dentures which the patient
dislikes but tolerates and the el-hypersensitivity has been reduced. The
patient is however probably permanently disabled but able to live reasonably
well in a country chalet avoiding highvoltage, departmentstores and
unnecessary electric appliances or
using them as little as possible. In one room absolutely all electric cables
and equipment has been removed.
Generally postfitted gold or titanium crowns in root-filled teeth next-
to amalgam fillings drastically augment el-sensitivity and these should be
eliminated first when present.
Unfortunately patients who have suffered severe el-hypersensitivity for a fairly long period, do not seem to
improve as readily from this as from their amalgamtoxic symptoms, even when
carefully removing their amalgam fillings.
Reactivity testing
There is an obvious need to develop and improve tests of various
reactivities to dental materials, allowing the patient and the doctor / dentist
to choose materials which will be tolerated as well as possible. There will be
many impossible clinical situations however, where no practical Solution exists
for restorative measures thus enforcing compromises.
Trial and error has been our tradition and unfortunately will remain to
be, even if improved testing is performed before treatment. Previously
"skin-patch" testing was common trying to establish if a patient
suffered from one or more immediate or delayed type of allergic reactions.
Unfortunately this testing disregarded many immunologic reactions and even
increased the patient's reactivity.
Nowadays various forms of bloodtesting revolutionise testing, eg serum
compatibility testing: Immunoglobulin precipitation testing for immunoglobulin
IgE (allergies), IgA, IgM and IgG (toxic reactions).
Dr Clifford (immunologist) and dr Huggins run two such laboratories in
the US where bloodsamples may be forwarded for testing. Both provide lists of
dental materials supposedly containing substances that the individual patient
has reacted to and not. Even the degree of reactivity is provided in the report
and most internationally used dental materials of various makes are delicately
listed in various product categories distinguishing between products the
patient is likely to tolerate and not.
Clifford Consulting & Research (tel (719) 599-8883 (after hours em.
590-9662) P.O. Box 17597 Colorado Springs, CO 80935 USA
Diagnostic Center Laboratory (tel (719) 473-4703)
Copat Labs, 1705 8 th
Street Suite D, Colorado Springs, CO 80906, USA
There are, apart from the practical part of drawing blood
and dependency of a well-functioning international mailing System and costs,
some uncertainties and limits (some of which are stated in the reports). The product
information of any dental material fed into the Computer may be wrong and the
individual contents of a dental material may not dissolve at all or it may not necessarily dissolve into each basic substance
when it does dissolve. Instead various toxic or non-toxic byproducts may be formed and cause
reactivity in the patient. Eg: aluminiumoxide is a stable product while as aluminiumsilicate is not.
Within the Swedish amalgamtoxic patient organisation,
individual members who are
professionally familiar with materialcontent testing, ,have investigated
the individual
content of the dental materials we commonly use. Unfortunately the content
of eg Al
in composites found does not comply with other published contents of the
same products.
Furthermore electroaqupuncture testing (eg Vega) or muscletesting
supplying serum compatibility tests have not yielded corresponding results
on an
individual patient.
The reactivity between toxic metal depots and new metal dental
restoratives (described earlier), can not be evaluated in precipitation
testing. Neither can elsensitivity or el-hypersensitivity reactions.
Thus for the time being, I am very uncertain of the value of the various
material testing methods that are available at the moment.
The local biocompatibility of eg titanium implants in bony tissues seem
convincingly positive, but this may not help the patient's crossreactivity
described above or with el-hypersensitivity reactions aggravated by any metal.
Despite the many known and probably unknown limitations of
biocompatibilitytesting, I am still in favour of using them, but certainly
admitting that is has become increasingly complicated to evaluate the results.
Choice of dental materials and handling techniques
The cost, clinical
appearance and lasting ability of the dental restoration is of obvious interest
to the patient. Dental material testing has almost exclusively been dealing
with physical properties and only slightly with biocompatibility. The latter
has almost solely been confined to local tissue reactivity such as to dentin
and the dental pulp. New materials that are being introduced nowadays are
subjected to far more thorough biocompatible testing, but it is still common to
experience that producers claim product content as companysecrets even if the
dentist has full responsibility towards the patient. New legislation in EEC
countries is under
The dentist may have 10 thumbs and work "happily" with
amalgam. It should be made clear however that the demands to the dentist's
craftsmanship is very much higher using existing alternative materials if good
results are to be expected. Whether direct composite fillings or indirect
techniques using composite, glass or gold is used , the skill and conscience of
the dentist (and technician) is critical. Personally I have to use strong
magnifying glasses (binoculars) to be able to achieve regular sufficient
accuracy when removing amalgam, preparing and restoring fillings and crowns.
There may be many ways to achieve good results but
this has worked for me: Composites:
Even if glassionomers have several good properties, I hesitate to use
them as liners especially on the el-sensitive patients, as aluminium goes into
Solution. An increased Al-content in blood has also been observed on patients
with composites with a high Al-content. Heliomolar, Occlucin and P 50 have been
my favorite composites so far. Life as liner in deep cavities and Gluma or
Tenure as dentin bonding agents. So far all the dentin bonding agents have
obtained a sufficient strength much too late, as the incredibly strong
contractile forces of the polymerising composite tend to pull away from the
lining or dentin long before (enamel prisms are torn off). Syntac has improved
this property, but Controlling the contraction of the setting composite is
still the most critical part of placing direct composite fillings.
Whether a two-component System, a dualsetting setting or light
polymerising composite is used the first part of the filling placed deepest in
the cavity must be small. Preferably a light polymerising system is used, but
the lightsource(s) must be placed lingually and buccally (from the sides) first
thus hindering contraction away from the bottom of the cavity (in class IIs).
Microleakage and secondary caries is prevented. The lightpolymerising unit
should only be used occlusally to complete the setting process as far as
possible. Thus anatomically shaped mylar strips are needed and two lamps should
be standard equipment. Normally I let a thin flange of composite cover the
sidewalls simultaneously. It is essential to add and polymerise the remaining
part of the filling considering contractile forces and the limitations of the
lamps used. Absolute dry conditions must be maintained throughout the procedure
(local anaesthetic helps). For obvious reasons proper wedging and placing the
molar / premolar bands is essential (I prefer Vivadent / Hawe bands and
Whether direct or indirect techniques are used, proper bonding
procedures are critical on all cavity surfaces. When finishing these direct or
indirect fillings a timeconsuming grinding / polishing is absolutely necessary
to ensure optimal occlusion and articulation.
Using Zeiss 3,6 enlarging
lenses and the Komet burs used in the Laminate Veneer System, it has become a
pleasure to work with glass and composites.
It is much easier to work with gold inlays than with composite or glass
fillings or
crowns, but because of biocompatibility including consideration of toxic
metal depots
in roots, jaws and the brain and pituitary, I still recommend to work as
as possible. If indirect methods requiring labproduction are employed,
temporary cements must be used (eg Freegenol) if dualcements are used to
fit the
permanent inlay / crown. Temporary metal crowns of steel or aluminium
should be banned,
especially when fitted in direct contact to remaining amalgam fillings.
For core build-up I use Tenure / Corepaste (Denmat). If we
"have" to use a root-filled
tooth that has contained amalgam or metal posts, we use Corepaste or
Dicor as post
material (Corepaste being introduced with a lentulo). When cementing
crowns and inlays
we use Gluma or Tenure for retention with a dualcement (Dicor or
Vivadents dualcements).
If the patient reacts to these we use polycarboxylate cement (ceramco).
When making crowns Dicor Plus System is used (Dicor core and porselain
outside) unless
the patient wants non-coloured Dicor throughout. Sufficient thickness (15mm) occlusally
and proper occlusal cuspal preparation is important for sufficient
No porselain or glass system on the market has been strong enough for
Ivoclar Empress may possibly be but I prefer Belvedere bridges (see
Cad-Cam techniques using televisioncamera and Computer to measure and prepare porselain
inlays may be effective, but demands the same accuracy in preparation
and placement
as with impression-techniques. Cavity preparation demands the same
rounded angles as
for other glass / porcelain inlays / crowns.
As root-filled teeth act as good electric conductors (esp when
containing metal posts), they often contain huge amounts of metalproducts and
clinical experience confirms that many patients benefit substantially when they
are removed.
We recommend that some cortical bone is removed surgically at the same
time (1
mm) and
we have experienced that using local anesthetic with no bloodvessel contracting
content and placing postoperative local antibiotic (Auromycin) in the wound
prevents the tendency of developing "dry Socket" which these patients
are so prone to. These treatment principles has increased our need for dental
bridgework, which we have solved by using Belvedere fibres reinforced bridges
constructed by light-polymerised Espe Visogem or stronger Ivoclar Isosit which
is heat-polymerised. Crown preparation is the same as for Dicor. The technique
of using Polyethylene fibrebundles placed round the crowns and crossing each
other at right angles throughout the bridgework is only one of several
ingenious methods developed by prof. Belvedere (carbon or kevlar fibres do not work as well).
Fortunately Tenure / Corepaste and these Belvedere bridges / crowns seem
to be well tolerated by el-sensitive patients and these fibrebundles may also
be used in direct technique reinforcing composite fillings that are subjected
to great stresses and strains (no metal posts or pins should be used).
We normally combine the use of direct composite restorations in smaller
restorations and make Dicor Plus crowns where little toothstructure is left.
If insufficient retention of one tooth demands a strong metal post and
rootfilling we avoid this by making a small bridge between the weak tooth and a
neighbour (the bridge may be made as Belvedere or in Dicor.
Unfortunately many patients have amalgam under old crowns / bridges and
these must obviously be removed and replaced carefully removing the amalgam
with rubberdam as usual. Even metal tatoos ought to be removed surgically but
beware of the mobilising effect on severe amalgamintoxicated patients.
Amalgamintoxicated patients who are hospitalised and so weak that they
impossibly can undergo normal dental treatment, may improve sufficiently to do
so by breaking off or removing postfitted metal crowns / bridges that may be
present (esp. when in direct contact to amalgam). Even administering
antioxidants and chelators may be indicated.
Practical methods of protecting the patient, staff and environment when
removing amalgam:
It is wise to cover the hypersensitive patient's skin. It is essential
to cover the mucous membranes thus demanding a new rubberdam (kofferdam) fitted
on every tooth where amalgam is removed (ie a new rubberdam for each filling).
Cutting the amalgam with new burs and breaking off bits of amalgam and
supplying enormous amounts of water spray reduce the time and extent of
possible exposure. If it is absolutely impossible to use rubberdam for access,
the patient should be adviced to drink 2 cl alcohol about \ an hour before
treatment and swallow coaltablets to reduce mercury uptake in the brain and the
intestines. A high volume vacuum suction is essential and normally Standard
equipment today.
Extra equipment which ought to be mandatory:
A nosemask held by the patient's left hand if the dentist is
righthanded. This allows the patient to breath fresh air during amalgam
removal. Tubes and valvehouse of any Standard general anaesthetic equipment is
sufficient as the patient does not need oxygen, only fresh air.
A high volume (NB high flow and close proximity to mouth opening)
industrial suction removing the toxic mercury vapour (invisible with no odour
and taste). An effective aircleaner with special coalfilter taking care of any
mercury vapour in the surgery and other connecting rooms (we use Euromate 1200
Many dentists throughout
the world have now developed new and different suction devices and soon
commercial ones will be available which also avoid polluting the environment.
Similar selenium filtersystems will be fitted on crematorium chimneys soon
where large amounts of mercury is recirculated back to the environment at the
Even if it demands an operating collecting and storing device, Dürr
Dental has developed an efficient amalgam particles collector reducing the
substantial pollution leaving dental units by about 95 % (Dürr AZ 100).
Whenever possible the rubberdam should be used when removing amalgam
thus allowing highspeed turbine equipment to be used. Special care should be
taken when cutting the amalgam proximally avoiding exposing the dental pulp and
avoiding leakage under the dam (small burs may be needed to finish cutting deep
proximally). Many of the devices mentioned are essential for protecting the
staff as well, but in addition coalmasks (eg 3 M's) may be worn during amalgam removal.
No sensible dental personal
should have any amalgam in their own teeth and a regular individually suited
antioxidant program should be followed daily.