simply diagnosed by MRI
Not medievally through observation of behavior, but scientifically with a nuclear spin of the head (without contrast agent), ADHD is diagnosed.
Since 1978, in thousands of cases, we found the typical metal depositions of mercury (white spots) near the cerebellum, in the brain stem, and often diffuse in the cerebrum. Not until MRI diagnosis has been presented, everyone involved realizes the ineffectiveness of:
- any behavioral therapy
- any medicine for the psyche (Ritalin, derivatives, antidepressants, sedatives)
- any hope that it will disappear when becoming a grown-up
Solely DMPS and DMSA are appropriate for the treatment of ADHD - the sooner, the better.
ADHD patients have a terrible life; they often die in accidents or commit suicide.
Treatment of ADHD, next to vaccination, has become one of the main tasks of pediatrics nowadays.
ADHD is the main cause of juvenile delinquency.
ADHD patients owe their suffering to the dentists of their mothers; the dentists stuffed the mercury for their own personal enrichment.
ADHD patients are severely disabled (handicapped ID) and they learn about their disease only by coincidence.
ADHD often leads to early retirement.
All amalgam patients suffer from ADHD -
no exception!
Quicksilver ruins our people; the younger ones by ADHD, the older ones by Alzheimer´s.
Sadist Hitler had ordered the German dentists to basically poison those with mercury who were lazy when it came to brushing their teeth.
ADHD is written on the gravestone of Hitler-medicine which some "Yesterdayers" still hold dearly in their minds (how much longer?).
ADHD patients are victims of those who seek for nothing but profit.
ADHD is the prime example of our hypocritical medicine.