Scientifically Proven Facts

About Dental Mercury  

1. Dental Amalgam contains about 50% Mercury.
2. Mercury has been scientifically demonstrated to be more toxic than Lead, Cadmium, or even Arsenic.
3. Mercury leaves dental amalgam continuously throughout the lifetime of the filing.(7)
4. Mercury vapour is the main way that mercury comes out of amalgam.(31)
5. Mercury vapour is absorbed at a rate of 80% through the lungs into the arterial blood. (31, 55)
6. Mercury is cytotoxic. Ie. It kills cells
7. There is NO harmless level of Mercury Vapour Exposure. (63)
8. Mercury from amalgam binds to -SH (sulphydryl) groups. These exist in almost every enzymatic process in the body. Mercury from amalgam will thus have the potential of disturbing all metabolic processes. ( 25, 33,60).
9. Mercury from amalgam is transported freely via the blood.(19,34,35,)
10. Mercury vapour is absorbed directly into the brain. (34, 55a)
11. Mercury from amalgam will result in a slow build up of mercury in body tissues. (20,26, 34)
12. Mercury crosses the blood brain barrier. (34,55a)
13. Mercury is implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease. (67,68)
14. Mercury from amalgam is stored in the foetus and infant before the mother. (20,61)
15. Mercury from amalgam is stored in the breast milk and the foetus up to 8 times more than the mother's tissues. (18,19)
16. Mercury (Mercury Vapour / Methylmercury) crosses the placenta.(18, 31)
17. Mercury Crosses into breast milk.(18,31,61)
18. Mercury will severely reduce reproductive function.(2, 3, 4, 20, 22, 24, 31, 37,38, 39, 40, 41, 49)
19. Mercury rapidly depletes the immune system.(27,34,35,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,60)
20. Mercury will induce a number of Auto Immune Diseases.(27,34,35,42,43,44,60)
21. Mercury will cause an increase in number and severity of allergies.(1,34,60)
22. Mercury from amalgam is stored principally in the kidneys, liver and brain. (1,20,31)
23. Mercury from amalgam (shown in animal experiments) causes kidney damage.(59)
24. Mercury from will cause a 50% reduction in Kidney filtration as shown in a study of sheep after amalgam placement.(59)
25. Methyl Mercury is more toxic than elemental Mercury.
26. Mercury from amalgam is methylated in the mouth.(51,53,54,)
27. After chewing, Mercury Vapour levels will remain raised for at least another 90 minutes. (1,15,16,18,47)
28. Mercury from amalgam will migrate through the tooth.(25,27,30)
29. This rate of migration is increased if a gold crown is placed over a tooth filled with amalgam. (27,30)
30. Teeth are living tissue and are a part of our bodies.
31. Teeth have a massive communication via blood, lymph and nerves with the rest of the body.(34)
32. Mercury from amalgam is absorbed into the body at a rate of 3 to 17 mcg / day. ( WHO 1991 Criteria 118)
33. Mercury release is increased by; increases in temperature, friction & increase in electrical currents.(28,31,56)
34. Mercury from amalgam will enter the body as;
Elemental Mercury, Inorganic Mercury, Vapour, charged Mercury ions.
35. In the Brain, Mercury from amalgam is stored preferentially in the Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus. (20,34)
36. Micro-Mercurialism is principally characterised by Neurological symptoms.(34)
37. Mercury is transported along the axons of nerve fibres.(33,34,50)
38. Mercury from amalgam may be stored in every other cell in the body. Each area affected will produce its own set of symptoms.
39. Mercury binds to haemoglobin in the red blood cell thus reducing oxygen carrying capacity.(1,16,17,21,26,35)
40. Mercury damages blood vessel reducing blood supply to the tissues (micro-angiopathies).(34)
41. Amalgam fillings produce electrical currents which might be injurious to health. These currents are measurable in Micro Amps. The Central Nervous System (Brain) operates in the range of Nano-Amps this is One Thousand times less than a Micro Amp.(28)
41A. Dissimilar metals in the mouth [eg Gold & Amalgam] will produce higher electrical currents.(19,30)
42. Mercury from amalgam (shown in animal experiments) will induce Antibiotic Resistance and Mercury resistance in bacteria in the mouth and Gastrointestinal tract.(58)
43. Brain levels of mercury are in a direct linear proportion to the number of Surfaces of amalgam fillings in the mouth.(1,19,25)
43A? The level of Mercury, in brain tissue of foetus's, new born, and young children, is proportional to the number of amalgams in the mother's mouth.(61)
44. Mercury will cause single strand breaks in DNA.(41,42)
45. Mercury levels in the body can not be assessed by either blood or urine levels. (26)
46. Mercury from amalgam fillings is the single
greatest source of dietary mercury for the general population. (W.H.O. Criteria 118., 1991).
47. Dental personnel are severely effected by exposure to mercury.


1 Sandra Denton MD : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Biocompatibility 1988
2 EPA Mercury Health Effects Update Health Issue Assessment. Final report 1984 EOA-600/8- 84f. USEPA, Office of Health and Environmental Assessment Washington DC 20460
3. Gordon - Pregnancy in Female Dentists- a Mercury hazard. Proceedings of Intl conference on Mercury Hazards in Dental Practice Sept. 2-4 Glasgow 1981
4 Lee, L.P. and Dixon Effects of Mercury on Spermatogenisis J Pharmacol Exp Thera 1975: 194(1); 171-181.
5 Anonymous . Mercury in Fish . Bull WHO 64(5) : 634 1986
6 Schulein,T.M.; Reinhardt, J.W. and Chan K.C. Survey of Des Moines area dental offices for Mercury vapour. Iowa Dent. J. 70(1):35-36 1984
7 JonesDW, Sutton EJ, and Milner EL Survey of Mercury vapour in dental offices in Atlantic Canada.Can. Dent. Assoc. J. 4906:378-395, 1983
8 Ochoa, R. and Miller RW. Report on independant survey taken of Austin dental offices for Mercury contamination. Texas Dent. J. 100(1):6-9, 1983
9 Kantor,L. and Woodcock C, Mercury vapour in the dental office- does carpeting make a difference? JADA103(9):402-407,1981
10 Skuba, A. Survey for Mercury vapour in Manitoba dental offices J Can. Dent. Assoc. 50(7):517-522, 1984
11 Chop GF. and Kaufman EG. Mercury vapour related to manipulation of amalgam and to floor surfaces.Oper. Dent. 8(1):23-27,1983
12 RoydhouseRH. FergMR . and Knox RP. Mercury in dental offices J Can Dent Assoc 51(2):156-158, 1985
13 Butler J. Proceedings from the First International Conference of Biocompatibility. 1988 14 Magnus Nylander, Mercury concentrations in the human brain and kidneys in relaton to exposure from dental amalgam fillings. ICBM 1988
15 Svare CW The effects of dental amalgam on Mercury levels in expired air. J. Dent. Res.60(9):1668-1671,1981
16 Ott K et. al. Mercury burden due to amalgam fillings. Dtsch. Zahnarztl Z 39(9):199-205, 1984
17 Abraham J, Svare C , Frank C,. The effects of dental amalgam restorations on Blood Mercury levels. J. Dent. Res. 63(1):71-73,1984
18 VimyMJ. LorscheiderFL. Intra oral Mercury released from dental amalgams. J. Dent Res. 64(8):1069-1071.,1985
19 Matts Hanson. Amalgam hazards in your teeth,. Dept of Zoophysiology., University of Lund, Sweden.J. Orthomolecular Psychiatry Vo12 No 3 Sept 1983
20 VimyMJ, TakahashiY, LorscheiderFL Maternal -Fetal Distribution of Mercury Released From Dental Amalgam Fillings. Dept of Medicine and Medical Physiology , faculty of Medicine, Univ of Calgary, Calgary Alberta Cannada 1990 published in FASEB
21 Goyer RA Toxic effects of metals. Cassarett and Doull's toxicology--The basic science of poisons , ed3, New York , MacMillan Publ.Co 1986, pp582-609
22 KuhnertP, Kunhert BRR and Erkard P COmparison of Mercury levels in maternal blood fetal chord blood and placental tissue. Am. J. Obstet and Gynecol.,139:209-212., 1981
23 Kuntz WD- Maternal and chord blood Mercury background levels; Longitudinal surveilance. Am J Obstet and Gynecol. 143:440-443., 1982
24 BrodskyJB. Occupational exposure to Mercury in dentistry and pregnancy outcome. JADA111(11):779- 780., 1985
25 Malmström C., Hansson M., Nylander M., Conference on Trace Elements in Health and DIsease. Stockholm May 25-1992
26 Lorscheider & Vimy The Lancet Vol 337; may 4, 1991.
27 Matts Hanson. Why is Mercury toxic. Basic chemical and biochemical properties of Mercury/amalgam in relation to biological effects. ICBM conference Colorado 1988
28 Sheppard AR and EisenbudM., Biological effects of electric and magnetic fields of extremely low frequency. New York university press. 1977
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62 Dr W. Kostler., President of the Austrian Oncology Society. Paper presented at the World Congress on Cancer. April 1994 Sydney Australia.
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Authorised by the Australasian Society of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. Phone +64 2 867-1111

Mercury is Poisonous.

There is NO safe form of Mercury in living tissue.